AC4040 hangs

Discussion in 'Aluma AC Series CMOS' started by mike shade, Dec 20, 2022.

  1. mike shade

    mike shade Cyanogen Customer

    Sep 14, 2015
    AC4040 hangs. Connect to camera Maxim 6.28...connects...go to "Exposure" tab...hit "start"...the start box grays out, it will say "0 of 600 sec" and nothing. It won't do a 1", 10", anything. This is new behavior. I have also noticed that it takes a long time for filter changes. I have not changed anything, loaded or unloaded any software, messed with the drivers...nothing. Could this be a stuck shutter? I posted darks and the thought was it could have been a stuck shutter. It seemed to resolve, but could that cause this problem? Below was posted to the ACP forum

    Wrote a simple plan in ACP to shoot frames through the blue, green, and red filter in that order. Several things have happened. It skipped the blue and green frames, and shot red. It gave the following message in ACP "failed to start the exposures, line 1533, column 33" for the blue and green frames. Focusmax also failed. Try again...will plate solve, pickup the guide star and start guiding away...ACP says "starting RBI + exposure"...and in Maxim, under the exposure tab, where it give the status of what is going says "pause 5"...and it hangs and never starts the exposure. I have the exposure delay in Maxim set to 0, I have no idea where this 5" pause is coming from. It is high gain stackpro mode. I don't know if this is a Maxim problem, ACP problem, or combination of the two. If I abort the plan in ACP, and hit the expose tab in Maxim, it doesn't start the exposure either.
  2. Adam Robichaud

    Adam Robichaud Lead Developer Staff Member

    Sep 29, 2014
    Hi Mike,

    Have you gotten help from anyone about this via email? If not, I can help you.

  3. mike shade

    mike shade Cyanogen Customer

    Sep 14, 2015
    Thank you but no, I have not.
  4. Adam Robichaud

    Adam Robichaud Lead Developer Staff Member

    Sep 29, 2014
    The firmware tends to just move on and complete the exposure when shutters get stuck in our cameras. Typically you'll see a portion of the image blacked out where the shutter is stuck, or ghosting if the sensor doesn't support an electronic shutter.

    Getting stuck waiting for an exposure to start usually comes from a peripheral (the AO or Filter Wheel), and we can detect this by turning on driver logging (see the guide on how to do that here). Just turn on "Raw I/O" logging, capture the error behavior, disconnect from the camera, grab and zip the log files from “%APPDATA%\Diffraction Limited\DLAPI\logs”, and send them over to me here.
  5. mike shade

    mike shade Cyanogen Customer

    Sep 14, 2015
    Sorry for the delayed response, we have had about the worst weather here in New Mexico. Will try this this evening and see if it captures anything as am shooting RGB frames with the Aluma AC4040/FW7STX/SC3. The filter wheel had its board replaced about six weeks ago(ish).


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