We're seeing a strange phenomenon, where the first image in a sequence will show extreme noise and horizontal banding, but subsequent images are perfect. We're using high gain set to 800. Images are flat and dark corrected, and all things being equal the images we are getting are amazing but for this occasional 'first image' issue. Any idea of what might be going on here? Paul
A couple of thoughts: I suspect you have a software/driver version mismatch. Current software is: MaxIm DL Pro 6.50 and DL API or newer - 32-bit. MaxIm DL Pro 7.1.4 and DL API 4.0.2 - 64-bit Help... Check for Updates. Can you check File... Settings... Site and Optics, and make sure you have correct parameters in there. Why is the system time invalid? DATE-OBS = '1970-01-01T00:01:30.170'
Thanks Colin, Settings / Site and Optics is fine, in fact the UT Computer Time dialog is ticking over at the correct time. I'm not sure why DATE-OBS is not being inserted correctly, unless we need to upgrade to version 7 of MaxIM DL (we're currently on version 6.29). DL config shows DLAPI Version and FPGA Rev 17 (the camera has just returned from repair, so I'm assuming its firmware is current). Please confirm that the AC4040 requires MaxIM DL 6.50 or 7.1.4 as a minimum. Paul
From our records, it looks like you have a license for the newest software. I recommend you use it. I'll send you a private message with details.
I'm not sure. Have you got the EXACT correct text value for the readout mode? Is there some # directive that needs to be in your plan?
Hi Colin - apologies. ROModeInfo.txt required "High Gain" not just "High". My bad. Yes, the problem appears to have gone away. The first images in a sequence no longer show the noisey banding. Updating to 6.50 did the trick. Great support Colin - very much appreciated.
I'm relieved! Thanks for sharing the ROModeInfo.txt solution - my recollection on that was foggy. This will help next time someone else runs into this.
Colin, I may have spoken too soon. I am seeing the banding issue again, in the first images of some sequences. The effect does not seem as bad as it was with v6.29, but is still present. It's curious that it only appears in the first image of a sequence. I'll do some more testing, possibly upgrade to v7 and keep you informed.
Keep us informed. Is ACP using a different mode for pointing images? We'll want to see FITS (raw, uncalibrated, 1x1, light frames) - you'll need to use Dropbox or similar to send due to the size.
Attached are the first two images in a sequence of several images, RAW, Bin 1. In all testing, the 1st image in a sequence appears to show varying degrees of noise and horizontal banding, compared to subsequent images in a series which appear 'normal'. All subsequent images in this particular sequence appear identical to the second in this archive. MaxIM DL v6.50, High Gain 800.
Thanks. We'll look into this. Can you check the properties on this file and let me know the version (e.g. C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dlapi.dll
One more request - can you provide the sequence? eg how many exposures, what type, binning, filter, exposure length e.g. if ACP, then can you give us all the related logs, and MaxIm log? Am trying to figure out whether this is a sequence-related set of steps that confuses something about the camera firmware or driver.
Hi Colin, see attached screenshot for driver details. The 'first image' issue occurs regardless of filter selection and exposure length. The binning mode also appears to be irrelevant if the Bin 1x1 test is anything to go by. Number of exposures is also not a factor, as we've tested with a variety of targets and sequencing parameters. I'm pretty sure I have seen this occur outside of ACP too, when using AutoSave Mode directly in MaxIM DL, but that was with v6.29. I will do some further testing in the coming days to try and confirm or rule out an ACP sequencing-related issue.
Hi Colin, In testing I was not able to produce the issue outside of ACP. Using the autosave feature of MaxIM DL produces 3 identical results. An subsequent test using ACP and the issue appears immediately and consistently - every first image in a sequence has noise and banding. I've sent you a MaxIM log and image logs - I'm not sure if they will be useful.