I noticed my camera's cooling rising in temperature while the power dropping back to the 13% reading. Going to the dome room it was apparent the fans were not running anymore. The fans had quite a bit of dust on them. Are there any housekeeping steps I can do? The cooling problem has occurred for the last two sessions. I am now hesitant to run the camera.
The firmware will automatically power down the cooler if the heat sink temperature gets too hot. Clean up the fans and see if they work again. If not the camera may require service.
Using MDL to monitor the camera, it goes through all the motions. Once the temp has been set, the power ramps up to 100%, the temp starts to drop and the heatsink temp starts to rise. Even if the set temp is reached and the power starts to drop off, the heatsink temp continues to rise. Then the power drops to 13% and the temps start to head towards ambient. At no time do the fans come on.
Okay with the fans not working, the rest is to be expected. The camera requires service to fix the fans. @Tim can help you with the RMA procedure.
If you would like to send it in for service, please submit the following RMA contact form. Once I receive it, I can provide you with an RMA number and return instructions. http://diffractionlimited.com/request-rma