Could I get an opinion on master dark ( 600s 1x1) that I made with my U694. Seems like a lot of amp glow as compared to what I am used to seeing with a CCD chip, My first Sony chip though. I've owned STT-8300, ST-10xme and the like. Try this link to my google drive, a fits file is too large to upload directly. Mike
I just wanted to mention that I haven't even attached the filter wheel to the camera itself, I am taking the darks using the supplied baader threaded cap, it has an O ring so it seems to provide a good seal.
Doug, Another easy fix, it was bugging me today at work that the baader dust cap even with the O ring might not be light proof and it isn't. I did another 5 minuter dark when I got home using a 2" nosepiece and the dark looks normal. The Baader cap is fine for keeping dust out but that's about it. Mike
Mike, the Sony ICX694 in your Aluma IS a CCD chip; it is built differently than the Kodak/Truesense/ON Semiconductor CCDs, but its still a CCD.
Okay glad to hear you figured it out. These chips are very sensitive! We always put a black cloth over the front of the camera when we're making dark frames in the shop.