Camera error 17

Discussion in 'STX and STXL Series Cameras' started by David Koslicki, Jan 16, 2024.

  1. David Koslicki

    David Koslicki Cyanogen Customer

    Feb 19, 2023

    I had been imaging with my STX-16803 for a few months before I swapped it out for a different camera. It had been operating just fine then. After setting it back up on my scope tonight, I have frequently been running into "camera error 17" which I understand to be an issue with the shutter. The shutter had given me no problems before I put it in storage for a bit.

    Interestingly, power cycling everything and re-seating all the cables (with the power off) caused it to "work" for about 5 frames. I don't know how well it actually worked though, as I was chasing focus after re-installing it on my scope (but at least it generated a FIT file). It then started to throw the same "camera error 17" after those 5 test images.

    Additional diagnostics:

    MaxIMDL version: 6.40

    Driver Name Version Date
    sbigudrv.dll 01-26-22
    sbigu64.sys 12-22-20
    sbigpcam.hex 2.46 12-22-20
    sbiglcam.hex 2.20 12-22-20
    sbigfcam.hex 2.25 12-22-20
    sbigfga.bin 2004.11.10 12-22-20

    Linked Camera: STX-16803
    Firmware Camera Version Release Version Camera is Current
    stxusb.bf2 1.06 1.06 Yes
    stxga.bf2 2.54 2.54 Yes
    stx16803.nf2 1.00.05 1.00.05 Yes
    stx0340.bf2 1.00.04 1.00.04 Yes

    CCDOps give a similar “shutter error”.

    Screenshot of MaxImDL error: 2024-01-16 at 9.30.08 PM.png?dl=0

    Error of “Can’t start exposure” in completely different imaging software (APT): 2024-01-16 at 7.57.15 PM.png?dl=0

    Video of what it sounds like when I try to image a couple of times:

    The buzzing sound is its idle sound (though I don't recall it being that loud), and then the silence is when I hit “Expose – Start” followed by some deeper jittering around sounds.

    Computer restarted multiple times, as was the camera; no issues in the Windows Devices app.

    It's also 10F here at the moment, but I don't know if the temperature would have much to do with the issue.

    Guidance on how to proceed would be much appreciated. Eg. if there's a way to manually, or via software, cycle the shutter to see if the mechanism is at fault, please let me know how.


  2. David Koslicki

    David Koslicki Cyanogen Customer

    Feb 19, 2023
    Oddly enough, the guide camera also experiences error 17

    Attached Files:

  3. David Koslicki

    David Koslicki Cyanogen Customer

    Feb 19, 2023
    And just to add another layer of issues:

    1. On the rare occasion that the shutter doesn't throw an error, there is a weird artifact consisting of a bright line under the brighter stars (Which doesn't go away if I use the RBI flash). See attached.

    2. Apparently I can't use the main camera and auto-guider at the same time. If I start looping on one, the other's option to image is greyed out. Attached is what it looks like after starting guiding: no way to use the main sensor to image. Did I set up the sensors incorrectly? The guide chip is set to "external remote".

    Attached Files:

  4. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    Normally I'd ask for FITS frames... but this looks like very much like a sticking shutter.

    Make sure that the screws used to hold the nosepiece adapter plate on aren't too long - this has occasionally been an issue when people don't use the original supplied screws (or mixes them up with other screws).

    Failing that, you may need to send it in for service.
  5. Tim

    Tim Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    Be sure to check "Dual Chip Mode", on the Camera Control window "Setup" tab.
  6. David Koslicki

    David Koslicki Cyanogen Customer

    Feb 19, 2023
    @Doug, I'll be sure to check the screws; no idea if they are the original, as that's just what it came with when I got it 3rd(?) hand. Two questions: 1. How does sending it in for service work? Any particular requirements, and which address to send it to? 2. Are there fixes that I could try (eg. some tension screw needs adjusting, mechanism oiled, or the like)? I imagine that would be more expedient if it's even just relatively straightforward to fix.
  7. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    We have a standard RMA process. @Tim can help you with that.

    Whatever you do, do NOT try to fix an STX shutter issue yourself. They have to be set up very carefully.
  8. David Koslicki

    David Koslicki Cyanogen Customer

    Feb 19, 2023
    Gotcha; I'm coming from SXCCD cameras, which have a fair bit of user-serviceable parts. I'll be sure not to touch the SBIG.

    I'll wait to hear from @Tim about the RMA
  9. Tim

    Tim Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    Can you please submit the following RMA contact form? Once I receive it, I can provide you with an RMA number and return instructions:
  10. David Koslicki

    David Koslicki Cyanogen Customer

    Feb 19, 2023
    @Tim , I haven't followed up since I decided to wait until the weather was warmer and try again. Lo and behold, I haven't experienced a sticky shutter once when the weather is ~20F or above. So I think I'll just keep using it as is, and be judicious in trying to image in very cold weather.

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