Resolved Connection Error 27

Discussion in 'STX and STXL Series Cameras' started by Gerald Sifferman, Oct 14, 2022.

  1. Gerald Sifferman

    Gerald Sifferman Cyanogen Customer

    Apr 15, 2019
    I recently (last week) updated to Maxim DL 6.30 from v6.29 and simultaneously renewed my Maxim DL license. Clear skies tonight so I tried to connect my STXL16200 and received a connection error (27) "Could not initialize CCD camera".

    I tried uninstalling/reinstalling Maxim DL 6.30. Also tried three different USB cables.
    Device Manager shows "SBIG USB Camera with Firmware".
    The camera has one red and one green light illuminated and the AO-X is flashing red.
    Camera 2 (SC-3 Starchaser) connects fine - no problems there.
    One possible clue: I hear the camera's fan running but I don't hear my FW8S filter wheel initializing when powering up.

    Thank you for any help you can offer.
  2. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    That's a driver error, not an issue with MaxIm DL. Error 27 means the SBIG Universal Driver is not installed or is not working.

    First thing to try is running the SBIG Driver Checker and updating your drivers.
  3. Gerald Sifferman

    Gerald Sifferman Cyanogen Customer

    Apr 15, 2019
    Thank you, Doug. That did the trick - I needed to complete the update using Device Manager as instructed in the <ReadMe> text. Worked like a charm.
  4. Tom Richards

    Tom Richards Cyanogen Customer

    Dec 26, 2014
    I have the same problem as Gerald, but this fix doesn’t work. On power up the STX’s fan runs for a second then stops. On trying to connect using MaxIm 6.30 I get the Error 27. I have run the SBIG Driver Checker & updated all 6 drivers including the universal driver. I have checked and replaced the USB cable and SBIG power supply & cables. The Device Manager does not list the STX so I’m stuck at point 4 of the driver checker update doco. So is this problem deeper than Gerald’s? Is the camera bricked?
  5. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Hi Tom,
    If the Device Manager isn't showing the camera, then there may be a windows problem or missing driver, or a bad USB cable, or a hardware fault.
    Recently I think you contacted us about replacing the power supply. Can you provide some details on what happened?

    Which version of Windows are you running? e.g. Windows 10 Pro 22H2
    Do you have SBIG Driver Checker 4.05 ? (Click [About/Help])

    There are some driver scenarios:
    a) Working
    You should see something like this for the SBIG camera:
    b) Unknown
    If you see this:
    Then Windows did not install the device driver successfully OR there is a fault in the USB port, USB hub, USB cable, or the camera.
    Check the properties for the item with the yellow /!\ exclamation point, and see if it gives you a hint.

    c) Previously worked, not seen now
    If you don't see either of the above, View... Show Hidden Devices. Then you may find something like this, where the camera(s) are in faded grey:
    This means Windows saw it at some point in the past, installed the driver successfully, and is not seeing it now.
    Power off and Disconnect the camera USB.

    In terms of fixing this:
    - If you get b) above, disconnect and power off the camera. Update the drivers from the SBIG driver checker.
    - Try a known-good USB cable that is short (eg under 6 feet/2m) between the camera and the back of the PC.
    No hubs, extenders, or other devices.

    - If you get c) above, disconnect and power off the camera.
    Uninstall the drivers using SBIG Driver Checker.
    Right click on each greyed out device, and remove.
    If it gives you the option to [x] uninstall the driver, do so.
    Power off everything, and then start it up again.
    Install the drivers with SBIG Driver Checker.
    Plug in the camera USB directly to the PC.
    Check to see if it shows up like in a).
    If not, try another PC.

    Let us know, and I can lend a hand remotely if you can't get it sorted.
  6. Tom Richards

    Tom Richards Cyanogen Customer

    Dec 26, 2014
    Hi Colin, Extraordinarily thorough, thank you. It will take me a day or two to get through all that, and I'll keep in touch. I bought the P/S because I suspected the old one was to blame, but no. And I have replaced all cables, to no avail. OS is Windows 10 Pro 20H2.
  7. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Are the correct LEDs lit on the side of the camera? eg the Power LED, no low-voltage condition?
  8. Tom Richards

    Tom Richards Cyanogen Customer

    Dec 26, 2014
    The power LED is on, but my camera lacks the 4 voltage indicator LEDs. SBIG was listed in the DM under Hidden Devices (your c). Carried out your instructions to no avail - the DM now doesn't list SBIG at all and the fan still runs for only a second. Another PC didn't help - and when I used the Driver Updater on it, the drivers didn't show either (Pro 21 H1). Do the drivers need an initial installation before using Driver Updater?
  9. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Tom, after you did (c), did you run SBIG Driver Checker and go through the update process?
    If your computer is internet accessible, how about we schedule a time today for me to log in remotely, and have a look at this.
    There's a support program we use that is a simple download and run, no installation, nothing left behind.
    If that would work for you, click Send a Private Message under my picture, and provide me with a couple times today or Monday to do this.
  10. Bill

    Bill SBIG Service and Repairs Staff Member

    Oct 12, 2014
    by chance, was there a firmware update interruption?


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