Product: STX-16803 + FW7+Maximdl7 Issue: Please refer to the attached photo. Description: When powering on, the filter wheel spins and initializes correctly. However, when trying to connect via MaximDL or other software, the filter wheel motor does not spin, and an error message appears.
Is this the first time you are setting up the camera and filter wheel with MaxIm DL 7? Or did it work before and it stopped working? Check that you have MaxIm DL 7.1.3. Help... About. or Help... Check for Updates. Check that you have set the Filter Wheel to SBIG Universal, and the model = Standard, like this: What is the serial number of the camera and filter wheel?
I'm sorry to late. 1. It doesn't work with multiple versions of maximdl6. 2. When I connected the other stx16803 camera with the current filter wheel, I confirmed that it works normally. In conclusion, there seems to be a problem with the camera at the moment. camera S/N : X16110015 FW S/N :FWX181107
Please fill in this Return Merchandise Authorization form: Then my colleague @Tim will contact you about sending in the camera for repair.