I have a SBIG ST8XME with a KAF 1603 ME detector and a SBIG ST10XME with a KAF 3200 ME detector. Should LRGB filters be the same for both cameras or will the image processing be different using the same filters for both cameras? Will filters from different manufacturers affect the final image colors? Thanks, Bob
You will likely see modest differences in color balance between the two cameras, which can be adjusted out in processing. Best practice is to image a G2V star (solar spectrum) to use as a white reference. See: http://www.diffractionlimited.com/help/maximdl/Color_Balance.htm Yes different filters will affect the result. Most of the filter-to-filter differences can be adjusted out by color balancing. It is difficult to get an exact spectral match to the human eye, so there will be modest differences in the color gamut.