Focusing an SC-2 paired with STC-7

Discussion in 'Guiding and Adaptive Optics - StarChaser and AO' started by Tim Povlick, Jun 26, 2021.

  1. Tim Povlick

    Tim Povlick Cyanogen Customer

    May 8, 2020
    Kayenta Utah, USA
    New to SC-2 and setting up the focus. The SC-2 is attached to an STC-7 and includes the suggested "ACC13 StarChaser Spacer" per the user manual. Before proceeding, the STC-7 was focused (via an auto/electric focuser).

    SC-2 focus knob bottoms out (hits stop) in the CCW direction with the stars almost in focus. Moving the focus knob CW the stars go progressively out o focus. Question: should the ACC13 spacer be removed to allow focus to be reached?
    Does the CCW direction increase or decrease the focus distance of the SC-2 sensor WRT the STC-7 sensor?

    In retrospect, had the main focuser been moved in/out to bring to focus the SC-2 answers to the above would have been apparent.

    Maxim DL, Windows 10 and ASCOM and device firmware all up-to-date


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