Hey Guys. I'm considering buying a used set of 1.25" Astrodon filters for my STT8300 as they are a great value, but before I pull the trigger I want to make sure it wont interfere with my filter wheel. Is there enough clearance in the FW8G-STT filter wheel to use mounted 1.25" filters without interfering with the guider?
Yes, and we sell adapters for that purpose. https://diffractionlimited.com/product/filter-insert-36mm-1-25/
Great! Has there been any experimentation with vignetting when using 1.25 filters with STT cameras? I'll be imaging at f/5.6
Some vignetting is likely, but probably tolerable. The sensor diagonal is about 22.5mm. A 1.25" filter has about a 25mm diameter path through threaded holder at best. So that leaves very little margin. Photometry users can live with this as the target is usually near the centre of the field.