FW8S-Aluma Error - with no error message

Discussion in 'Filter Wheels' started by MikeWiles, May 8, 2023.

  1. MikeWiles

    MikeWiles Standard User

    Dec 20, 2021
    Mesa, AZ
    Happy Monday Team DL,

    I'm seeing an odd issue with my FW8S Aluma filter wheel. It's been in place for a few months now, and operates mostly perfectly. I'm doing time series BVI photometry on high amplitude delta scuti stars, and I'm switching filters every couple of minutes over the course of the night. I'm using N.I.N.A. to control the camera/filter wheel using the ASCOM driver (v6.4.13.0). At a certain point during the night, the software will initiate a filter change.....that never completes receives a completed notification and the software ends up sitting in limbo until the Nautical Dawn trigger causes the session to execute the shutdown sequence. The net result is that I end up with no data for the rest of the night. N.I.N.A. doesn't throw any kind of error message until hours later when it's unable to change the filter for a focus sequence at the end of the night. Here's an excerpt from the N.I.N.A. log that illustrates what I mean.....there's a call to switch filters, and then nothing happens for hours.

    2023-05-08T00:35:55.7388|INFO|SequenceItem.cs|Run|206|Starting Category: Filter Wheel, Item: SwitchFilter, Filter: I
    2023-05-08T00:35:55.7428|INFO|FilterWheelVM.cs|ChangeFilter|104|Moving to Filter I at Position 4
    2023-05-08T00:35:55.7438|INFO|FocuserVM.cs|MoveFocuserInternal|205|Moving Focuser to position 16417
    2023-05-08T04:25:56.1783|INFO|TimeCondition.cs|Check|245|TimeCondition finished.
    2023-05-08T04:25:56.1793|INFO|TimeCondition.cs|InterruptWhenTimeIsUp|62|Time limit exceeded - Interrupting current Instruction Set
    2023-05-08T04:25:56.1823|INFO|SequenceItem.cs|Run|224|Finishing Category: * Instruction Set *, Item: NINA.Sequencer.Container.SequentialContainer, Strategy: SequentialStrategy, Items: 2, Conditions: Condition: TimeCondition, Time: 4:25:56h, Triggers:
    2023-05-08T04:25:56.1823|INFO|SequenceItem.cs|Run|206|Starting Category: * Instruction Set *, Item: NINA.Sequencer.Container.SequentialContainer, Strategy: SequentialStrategy, Items: 2, Conditions: Triggers:
    2023-05-08T04:25:56.1823|INFO|SequenceItem.cs|Run|206|Starting Category: Telescope, Item: SlewScopeToAltAz, Coordinates: NINA.Astrometry.InputTopocentricCoordinates
    2023-05-08T04:25:56.1823|INFO|TelescopeVM.cs|SlewToCoordinatesAsync|904|Slewing from RA: 16:31:20; Dec: 16° 51' 55"; Epoch: JNOW to RA: 19:09:03; Dec: 21° 56' 28"; Epoch: JNOW
    2023-05-08T04:26:09.6236|INFO|SequenceItem.cs|Run|224|Finishing Category: Telescope, Item: SlewScopeToAltAz, Coordinates: NINA.Astrometry.InputTopocentricCoordinates
    2023-05-08T04:26:09.6236|INFO|SequenceItem.cs|Run|206|Starting Category: Focuser, Item: RunAutofocus
    2023-05-08T04:26:09.7961|INFO|FilterWheelVM.cs|ChangeFilter|104|Moving to Filter C at Position 0
    2023-05-08T04:26:09.7961|INFO|FocuserVM.cs|MoveFocuserInternal|205|Moving Focuser to position 15746
    2023-05-08T04:36:09.8237|ERROR|AutoFocusEngine.cs|SetAutofocusFilter|1201|Failed to change filter during AutoFocus


    I'll be down at the observatory sometime in the next week or two to add a couple of new filters and plan to swap out the USB cable in that time, though I don't think the USB cable is the issue. In the meantime, any ideas what could be happening? There is no ASCOM log file or error being generated. There's a call to switch the filter.....and then nothing happens for the rest of the session.

    Camera is an Aluma CCD47-10, Firmware revision 27.

    Thanks for any assistance or direction you can offer.

  2. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Hi Mike, I agree, if the USB cable was bad, probably it would not be as reliable as it has been.
    There is a possibility of communication dropping out due to Windows Power Management.
    I recently found a Windows update had reset this again on my desktop PC that I do some testing with. Anyway, here's an article with stuff to check:

    We're wrapping up testing on a new release of DL Imaging drivers and the ASCOM drivers for the cameras. I'll ask @Adam Robichaud for an ETA on a "beta" release for you to test out. We're pretty close to having it ready.
  3. MikeWiles

    MikeWiles Standard User

    Dec 20, 2021
    Mesa, AZ
    Thanks for the quick follow up Colin. I've checked all settings on the PC as suggested in your linked post. Selective Suspend had already been disabled, but the device manager settings needed to be updated. I'm still skeptical that this is the cause....as the PC has just communicated with the camera over the same USB cable at the point this occurs, but it can't hurt to update those settings. I got through the full sequence last night without reproducing the issue, so that's good. I have all of my devices (Mount, Focuser, Camera & Flat Panel) all plugged into the same USB 2.0 hub on the observatory PC. When I get down there next (hopefully in the next few days), I'll plug the camera into the USB 3 hub that's also on the observatory PC. This will isolate it from the other devices. I'll keep you posted, and I'd be willing to put the new DL Imaging drivers to the test when they're available.


  4. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    If I wanted to do a "test run" here, what would the sequence be? Can you give me some idea?
  5. MikeWiles

    MikeWiles Standard User

    Dec 20, 2021
    Mesa, AZ
    The cause has been the same every time.....but even that is intermittent. It's happened five times now, but that's over about 20 days of observing.

    Slew to variable star 1.....all 20 second exposures here.
    3 exposures in B
    3 exposures in V
    3 exposures in I

    Slew to variable star 2....all 30 second exposures here.
    3 exposures in B
    3 exposures in V
    3 exposures in I

    ....repeat until nautical dawn, about 4:30am. For what it's worth, the two stars are close together...maybe 5 degrees apart (DY Her and V1116 Her).

    At some point during a filter change, things just "stop happening". I'll have a period of 3 to 4 hours where nothing else happens, presumably because the filter change never finishes.
    Since I'm in bed and not monitoring, I'm not aware until the next morning.

    At nautical dawn, I have a trigger that interrupts the sequence and does a final focus of the telescope before shutting down - measuring out how much focus changes over the course of the night and the temperature drop.

    That focus sequence will try to switch to the clear filter and triggers an error 10 minutes later when that filter change times out.

    At this point, I'm unable to do anything to/with the camera and filter wheel until I power cycle the camera.
    Other than a few hours of lost data it doesn't appear that there are any other issues going on. N.I.N.A still functions normally, telescope gets parked, roof closes, etc.
    There's just a call to switch filters over the ASCOM driver that never finishes and it doesn't trigger any errors that I could trap some other way.

    So...to answer your question, I'm not sure how to do a test run. Because it's intermittent, I'm not sure what combination of events causes it to happen.
  6. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Thanks for the info. I have the general idea and will do some trials here.
    MikeWiles likes this.
  7. MikeWiles

    MikeWiles Standard User

    Dec 20, 2021
    Mesa, AZ
    Hey Team DL,

    Any update on the availability of new DL Imaging ASCOM drivers? I had the filter wheel hangup occur again last night at 10:45.....and lost the rest of the night's observing plan as a result. The last instruction in the N.I.N.A. log file is:

    2023-05-25T22:45:13.4907|INFO|SequenceItem.cs|Run|206|Starting Category: Filter Wheel, Item: SwitchFilter, Filter: B
    2023-05-25T22:45:13.4917|INFO|FilterWheelVM.cs|ChangeFilter|104|Moving to Filter B at Position 1

    Nothing in the ASCOM folders for any sort of logging...it's like the instruction to the filter wheel disappears into the ether. The camera and filter wheel will stop responding to all commands at this point - including shut down commands or warming up the cooler. The only solution is to cut power to the camera, which I don't really like to do when the CCD is at -30º.


  8. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    HI Mike, yes, just a few days ago we released DL Imaging Drivers version and updated DL ASCOM drivers
    I've been messaging a few customers and you were on my list.

    Details here, including some important notes on runtimes and updates:

    We've also added a debug logging capability that will give us some insight into what is going on.
    If you run into the problem again after updating to the new drivers,:
    Go to this folder on your machine:
    %appdata%\Diffraction Limited\dlapi\logs
    e.g. you can paste that in to explorer. It will expand to something like:
    C:\Users\YOURNAMEHERE\AppData\Roaming\Diffraction Limited\dlapi\logs
    Use notepad or notepad++ to edit:
    Change the last line to:
    logLevel = 5
    This will get us the raw communication data.
    It will chew up space and slow things down a bit.
    I don't recommend leaving this turned on. Put it back to 0.
  9. MikeWiles

    MikeWiles Standard User

    Dec 20, 2021
    Mesa, AZ

    Thanks for the usual quick response. Downloading and installing now, and I'll put it to work tonight if I can (clouds may be an issue). If not, tomorrow night. The implementation of additional logging will definitely be helpful if the issue reoccurs.

    Thanks again,

  10. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    BTW after the install, run DL Config Utility, and verify it says driver version in the upper right.
    You can also do Help... About and it will list the versions of everything. e.g. ASCOM DL Imaging will be 6.4.22.
  11. MikeWiles

    MikeWiles Standard User

    Dec 20, 2021
    Mesa, AZ
    Installed, double checked....and sorta tested.

    I installed new drivers and then ran a routine similar to my normal sequence taking 3 images of the wall through each filter before making a filter change. I did this for 100 iterations without issue, so hopefully this is a good sign. The real test comes at night with the mount running too, but early results are encouraging. Thanks for all the assistance.

    Colin Haig likes this.
  12. MikeWiles

    MikeWiles Standard User

    Dec 20, 2021
    Mesa, AZ
    Hey DL Team,

    The issue where NINA sends an instruction to change filters.....and then nothing else happens for the rest of the night has occurred twice more since installing the updated drivers. At this point I'm unable to reliably use the filter wheel, so multi-filter imaging/photometry isn't a possibility. Here's the last thing from the N.I.N.A. log file from last night's interrupted run; note that from 2:43 until I interrupted everything to manually begin the shut down at 3:55, nothing happened. The display in N.I.N.A. at the time simply reads "Switching Filter".


    At Colin's suggestion, I've enabled logging at level 5 in the dlapi driver to start gathering more information. Here are relevant lines for calls to the filter.

    The camera and filter wheel will not function at this point until I power cycle the camera. Troubleshooting the source, I disconnected from N.I.N.A. and connected to the camera and filter wheel from Maxim DL 6.29. I attempted an image using the I filter (which is what should be in the imaging slot at this point) and Maxim DL too is not able to use the hardware. It stays locked in a filter moving/Waiting for filter wheel status:

    Attached is also a .zip file containing both the N.I.N.A. log file from the evening and the dlapi log file that covers that time period to assist in troubleshooting. The telescope is located remotely but I can provide access via TeamViewer or some other remote desktop software if it helps to get a direct look at the system.



    Attached Files:

  13. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
  14. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    We sent you an email today with Beta that should resolved the filter wheel issue with N.I.N.A.
  15. MikeWiles

    MikeWiles Standard User

    Dec 20, 2021
    Mesa, AZ
    The beta did not resolve the filter wheel issue.

    The filter wheel fails to respond after some amount of time during time series photometry runs.

    It's not isolated to N.I.N.A.
    It also happens with MaximDL.
    I've swapped out the USB cables to ensure it's not the cable.
    There are no hubs, extenders or any other shenanigans involved. The USB cable is connected directly to the observatory PC.
    I've unplugged all other USB devices from the observatory computer.

    Still, the issue occurs.
  16. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Mike, would it be possible for you to do a run WITHOUT the filter wheel?
    I want to determine whether this is a communication problem, driver problem, a firmware-in-the-camera problem, or a filter wheel problem.
    e.g. you can leave the filter wheel connected, but leave it in same position for a run of several hundred images.
  17. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Sent you an email with more specifics.

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