152mm A+MRefractor(OfficinaStellare-1200mmF/L) thru a TeleVue .8XReducer/Flattener for 950mmF/L using a CanonEOSII RebelT7i 'modified UV-IR @ Hutech' and doing 'one-shotColor' images as five Lumicon UHC 81secISO6400 , nine Baader SII as four 81secISO6400 and five 102secISO6400 , and nine Baader 7nm HydrogenAlpha for one 51secISO6400 and two 81secISO6400 and two 61secISO6400 and two 45secISO6400 and two 127secISO6400 images . I put the CR2.s into MaximDL Pro V6.16 and I did a BatchProcess and 'save' to 'New' Folder . I then Sum stacked each color filter set and after that I made them Mono with a proceedure I used before and then the "Color Stack" and after that some small color and color plane alignment . This image shows that it can be done with short exposures .x I was trying 30secISO6400 indoors with a Canon 18-55mmLens at 33mmF/L without any lights except for the laptop light which was behind the RebelT7i . I did it thru MaximDL Pro V6.16 which doesn't do over 30sec exposures … I then tried the DSLR's 'High ISO Noise Reduction' at each setting and it seems to work OK so I'l try using 'Low' when I image because it looks like a slight dark tone is being removed in an image and it looks brighter than without the 'High ISO Noise Reduction' being applied .x
I'd suggest doing a crop to remove the color bands on the outer edges. That will make it look a lot nicer. And then maybe play with the contrast and color balance a bit; I think you can improve on that a bit.