152mm A+MRefractor(OfficinaStellare-1200mmF/L) thru a TeleVue .8XReducer/Flattener for 950mmF/L using a CanonEOSII RebelT7i 'modified UV-IR @ Hutech' and doing 'one-shotColor' images as five Lumicon UHC 81secISO6400 , nine Baader SII as four 81secISO6400 and five 102secISO6400 , and nine Baader 7nm HydrogenAlpha for one 51secISO6400 and two 81secISO6400 and two 61secISO6400 and two 45secISO6400 and two 127secISO6400 images . I put the CR2.s into MaximDL Pro V6.16 and I did a BatchProcess and 'save' to 'New' Folder . I then Sum stacked each color filter set and after that I made them Mono with a proceedure I used before and then the "Color Stack" and after that some small color and color plane alignment . This image shows that it can be done with short exposures .x &&&&& This image I re-stacked the Baader SII images and did a 'screen-stretch' while it was 'red' which was a little different than the 'Medium' stretch and then I made it a 12BIT image and the Monochrome . Then I got the 7nmHa and UHC Monochrome images into the 'buffer' also and then did the "Color Stack" command and then some adjustments to color ... this image might look smoother than the previous one yesterday because the SII image was a little scratchy but I fixed that with smoothing and a little 'Deconvolve' that removed lower background noise before stacking the three different filter images together for the False Color attempt .x The three color images are what they looked like before changing them .x
This image was mainly 127secISO6400 except for the SII which was mainly 187secISO6400 and there were five images each filter color . But changing to the Mono from a stacked color image for each filter type especially the Ha and UHC ... they needed the 'screen-stretch' to show content and then made in to a 12BIT image and then changed to Monochrome and then "ConvertColor" and then the "ColorAdjust with the control slider at 10.0 and the color selection for 'Green' for the Ha image and the 'Blue' for the UHC image and each one turned to Monochrome again ... the SII only needed to be turned to Monochrome ... the "ColorStack" naming the color to use for each image . A lot of things needed to be done to try and show 'yellow' . So , this image looks like more exposure time is needed for each filter .x Also a fixed up GCW...x