Guiding Errors on STXL 11000 camera

Discussion in 'STX and STXL Series Cameras' started by James Edlin, Oct 27, 2023.

  1. James Edlin

    James Edlin Cyanogen Customer

    Sep 21, 2018
    Hi all, I have an SBIG STXL 11000 ccd with the self guiding filter wheel attached. It has worked well up until recently when I started to get strange guiding errors. The camera is attached to a Planewave CDK700. I've had the telescope evaluated by Planewave and it is operating normally. The problem is this:
    I calibrate on a guide star and that always does well. When I start guiding the guide errors may start out normal in the less than 1 pixel range. So normal guiding. But then all of a sudden, I get a -16 on the Y-axis. This may correct itself the next guide and then return again maybe 1 or 2-3 guides later. Sometimes it just pegs at -16, -16,-16, etc. As such it drives the star out of the guide box. My guide box is 32 x 32. If I change the guide box to say 64 x 64, then the guide errors will be -32. -32, -32 etc. So guide errors exactly half the size of guide box. Also when this problem started to occur I noted that the guide image tends to be extremely noisy with numerous vertical lines that are not removed when a dark is applied. Planewave logged into my system the other night and discovered that when I get these odd guide errors, my guide box image will show a bright white line at the top of the guide box. This is what is causing my errors to peg at -16 if in a 32 x 32 box. When the system is guiding ok, there is no white line. This white line may extend across the entire box width or may be only partially across the top but it always is in that top horizontal line of just the guide box image. See attached screen shot pictures. I'm running Windows 11 on my computer and have the latest Maxim DL as of June this year. I have changed out USB cables as well as connecting the cables directly to the computer rather than going through the USB ports on the telescope. This does not change the problem nor the appearance of the noise line in guide image. As said above the telescope is operating normal. My suspicion is that there is something wrong with the guide ccd camera or some issue with how this image is used in Maxim DL. My main ccd camera image is fine. IMG_4170.jpg IMG_4176.jpg IMG_4178.jpg IMG_4181.jpg I have never seen this problem ever. Any thoughts as what to do next. Does the ccd camera need to be sent back for evaluation?


  2. James Edlin

    James Edlin Cyanogen Customer

    Sep 21, 2018
    Also its been a long time since being on this site. My email has changed. How do I change my email address in the Forum account??

  3. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Hi Jim,
    Send me a Private Message with your new email, by clicking on the link under my photo at left.

    What version of MaxIm are you running?
    6.40 is current.

    One suggestion on the noisy guider image - power off the camera, disconnect the USB.
    Then remove and replace the HDMI-style cable that goes between the remote guide head port and the self-guiding filter wheel.
    It could be corrosion/dirty contacts/a failing cable.
  4. James Edlin

    James Edlin Cyanogen Customer

    Sep 21, 2018
    Ok, I finally got down to the telescope to replace the HDMI cable between the guider/filter wheel and main camera. I used a 6 foot long STD video type HDMI cable that would go between DVD player and say TV. This seemed to communicate with the filter wheel as I could rotate the filters but when I tried to take guider image or main camera image, those images were completely distorted with no evidence of stars in field. See included image IMG_4594b. So is there some major difference between a STD TV style HDMI cable and the very short HDMI cable that SBIG uses on the STXL11000?? Do I need to purchase a new short HDMI cable from SBIG to see if that corrects the white guide line problem discussed above. So I put the old short HDMI cable back on and of course the images returned to there normal like state with stars showing on both guider image and main camera ccd image. However when I tried to guide I again get the bright white line at top of guide box which drives the star off the guider as discussed above. This line does not occur every time but is hit or miss. If the white line not there it guides fine. Interesting when I take the full guide image that one uses to pick a guide star there is that white line at top of full guide image but it does not go across the whole image and it moves back and forth with each renewed full guide image. See images IMG_4596b and IMG_4601b attached. Red arrows show the white lines. I guess do I need to send my STXL11000 back to Cyanogen to have it evaluated. Obviously the CCD is not usable in this state. Could there be an issue with USB3 vs USB2 since the computer it is linked to is brand new with Windows 11 rather than Windows 10. I have the latest Maxim DL 6.30 something just purchased this July 2023. What is my next course of action??

    Attached Files:

  5. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    The HDMI cable has nothing to do with the filter carousel. It is purely for communication between the guide sensor and the camera brain. A 6ft cable will introduce timing errors, which is what we're seeing.

    I'm going to ask my colleague @Tim to review the images.
    I suspect the camera is going to need to come in for service.
  6. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    We've sent an email with a suggestion on cable and sending it in.

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