I want to connect CLA-X-CN STXL Canon EOS Lens Adapter FW8G-STXL. BUT FW8G-STXL can't connect Canon EOS Lens. In maunal case write it. In this case, one can use the self-guiding cover for longer focal length telescopes and add the standard cover for use with camera lenses where external guiding is quite acceptable. I don't know 'standard cover'. How to get standard cover? Is this item Standard Cover for the STXL Filter wheel? correct? https://diffractionlimited.com/product/ms-standard-cover-stxl/ Can I change cover FW8G-STXL to FW8S-STXL?
The FW8G-STXL is too tall for a Canon lens to focus. You need the FW8S-STXL. You can order it from our ecommerce web site, or our from one of our Dealers: https://diffractionlimited.com/about-us/dealers/ Yes. Correct. Yes. It is easy. Turn off power. Disconnect all cables. Remove the top half of the FW8G-STXL. It has the guider. The filters are in the bottom half. Put the new FW8S-STXL standard cover on top. Put the old cover in a safe place, with the HDMI cable. If you have the original antistatic bag, that is best.