152mm A+M Refractor(OfficinaStellare-1200mmF/L) , using a TeleVue .8XReducer/Flattener for an effect of 950mmFL .....I wasn't using a filter on IC5146 and the DSLR was top and bottom to Decline motion of the mount . I used the "WhiteBalance" 'Custom-icon BlackCard' . I did one 241secISO800 and four 241secISO1600 and four 241secISO3200 RAWMonochrome FITS images thru MaximDL Pro's V6.16 and I did a "ConvertColor" and then SigmaClip-Delta stacked them . I did "DigitalDevelopment" and "Stretch-Gamma:0.6" and some other commands . +++++++++++++++++++ In the Reeves book 'Introduction to Digital Astrophotography' on page 58 it explains CCD vs. CMOS sensors about their differences . With a DSLR though ... I think the 'LongExposureNoiseReduction-Enabled' is it's 'cooling system' and I can't image without it for the 'light' frames for stacking . x ++++++++++++ .x