Odd question, has anyone figured out the numbers to use in The Sky (in my case version 6) for setting up an AC40404 and SC3 guider for the field of view, like for picking a guide star? There are things like offsets that I'm not sure if. Figured if anyone had that, no need to reinvent the wheel as it were. The predefined view is not listed in Sky 6 (not sure if it is in X or not). Thanks,
AC4040 is 9um pixels in a 4096 x 4096 array, ignoring the overscan pixels. SC3 is 4.8um pixels, 1280 x 1024 array. The FOVI relative positions will require platesolving (eg Analysze Pinpoint) on a decently busy star field for the SC-3 so you can figure its offset. The offset varies by installation (since the pickoff mirror is movable), so I can't give you a fixed number.
FYI, the dimensions of the GSENSE4040 sensor are identical to those of the KAF-16803. So if you select e.g. STX-16803 you'll get the right FOV for the Aluma AC4040.