Important note when updating firmware of SBIG cameras

Discussion in 'CCDOPS and SBIG Universal Driver (Retired)' started by Jan Soldan, Nov 11, 2014.

  1. Jan Soldan

    Jan Soldan Cyanogen Customer

    Oct 11, 2014
    Czech Republic
    It is known, user may update firmware inside EEPROM of his ST-i, STF, STT and STX/L camera using SBIGDriverChecker64 application, but please note, that this process should be done very carefully, otherwise camera has to be send back to SBIG (Bill Lynch) for the repair.

    There are usually two types of firmwares, as seen on attached STF-8300 example. The first one is USB firmware (here: STF-8300usb.bf2) used for communication between camera and PC, while the second one is firmware stored inside the Gate Array of the camera (here: STF-8300ga.bf2). So, if USB firmware is somehow corrupted during this update process, than camera will not communicate with your PC and, unfortunately, has to be send back to SBIG for the repair.

    The most important thing is that user is not allowed to TURN OFF his camera during EEPROM programming. This, unfortunately, happened to several users, so repairs were necessary.

    The problem is, that on _some_ Windows operating systems, PC seems to be frozen for roughly two minutes or so during this EEPROM reprogramming. Mouse doesn't react, so it looks, PC has to be restarted, but this is a big mistake. If you do this, especially during USB firmware reprogramming, later camera will not work at all...

    So, please let the application to finish its work and at the end of this process, the PC will be alive again, mouse will work, etc. Please note, that USB or GA reprogramming usually takes around two minutes, but may differ from PC to PC.

    Thank you for your attention.

    Attached Files:

  2. Lu Cardona

    Lu Cardona Standard User

    Jul 6, 2015
    My camera seems to be unable to communicate with the pc, as it is always listed as an unknown device. As far as I know the firmware has never been updated and there's two .bf2 files in the STF-8300 firmware folder: One is ga.bf2 and the other is usb.bf2; along with other files. Could my problem be a firmware one?
  3. Jan Soldan

    Jan Soldan Cyanogen Customer

    Oct 11, 2014
    Czech Republic
    Did your camera work previously ? I think your camera should communicate with your PC even if there is an original firmware (bf2 files) inside its body, but DL will probably give you more precise answer.
  4. Steven Greco

    Steven Greco Cyanogen Customer

    Sep 9, 2019
    I finally figured out how to update the firmware with the SBIGDriverChecker, and was about to do so, when a warning window popped up advising that I shouldn't update unless there's a problem, or instructed to by tech support. Should I or shouldn't I? :) Thanks.
  5. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    i'll address this in Steven's original thread.

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