CanonEOSII 6D 'stock-new 2017 model from B+HPhoto' using an Orion SkyGlow 2in. filter thru ' two TeleVue 2XPowerMates ' for 4800mmF/L using a 152mm A+M Refractor(OfficinaStellare) on an Astro-Physics 1200GTO '2010' Mount doing WARMonochrome Autosaves thru MaximDL Pro V6.16 for 667secISO6400 for six images .... then 'Calibrate' with BIAS+DARKMasters 300secISO6400 and Sigma-Clip stacked to tyr to remove the 'out of focus' images .. but it didn't do that ... and I only did commands in MaximDL Pro ... strong Deconcolving and smoothing .x 'Calibrate' 'Auto-Optimize' selected a 300secISO6400 DarkMaster instead of the other 1200secISO6400 DarkMaster but it did remove a dark hue as compared to the same image done without calibration .