M27 and "Convert Color"

Discussion in 'My Astrophotos' started by ROBERT T SCHAEFER JR, Aug 3, 2018.


    ROBERT T SCHAEFER JR Cyanogen Customer

    May 13, 2018
    The M27 image here is a Canon EOS Rebel T7i 'modified by Hutech' and using 'PictureStyle-Faithful 5200K' without using any nebula filter for
    nine CR.2 images for 30secISO1600 each without 'guiding' but tracking at 1xSiderealGuideRate after doing a 'focus' on a half Moon in the East at
    about a 45 degree height and then turning West to M27 . I was testing how the APM Flattener was.. and I had done a 'collimation' to the 152mm A+M
    Refractor(OfficinaStellare) . I put the nine CR2. images in "ImagesPlus" and used the 'Sigma-Clip Average with Std.Dev. 2.55 ' like 'clarkvision.com'
    says in the ' 3a1 Basic Work Flow ' Tutorial which will 'align' better he says . Then with the stacked image I used 'Auto-stretch' and then 'opened'
    the 'Arc-Sin' stretch and for 'Power' I slid the slider to the right for one line which is a big move and then above that the 'Background' slider I slid
    a little bit to the right and that seemed to have a good result ... then below these are sliders for Red which I slid to the right far enough which made the
    'red' more visible and some adjustments for 'green' and 'blue' . Then some smoothing with another command . Then I did the "Feature Mask" and made
    sure the 'Stars' and 'Threshold' showed dark spots for all the little stars before continuing and then the 'Split Stars procedure . For the 'Star' image I
    used "Pixel Math at Multiply 1.5 ' and then the 'Smoothing" filters for 'Gaussian 5x5' and then the "Reduce Stars to .5 " and that's all . Then I did the
    'Nebula' image with various commands like "Color Micro Curves" for separate 'red' , 'green' , and 'blue' command operations . This M27 is the end result but
    it is a lot brighter than the DSLR's LCD screen .
    I was trying to get the MaximDL Pro "Convert Color" command to look the same way as the Canon EOS Rebel T7i's LCD screen on the DSLR .
    This is a real hard thing to do with a 'modified by Hutech' DSLR and I was using a CR2. single image of M27 with an APM Flattener at 38xpwr magn. .
    I used "Convert Color with Scaling Red-70 and Green-80 and Blue90 ..without using the 'High Quality' checkbox because it causes a 'High Pass' filter
    affect which at a 25% buffer view will show the extreme agitation and when you uncheck it ... it will show a smooth M27 and then only a
    "Kernal Filter Median3x3 without Pixels Restrictions" will be needed and small stars will be unaffected and a slight smoothing will happen , then
    you use the "Kernal Filter again as Average with Pixel Restrictions from 0 up to the nebula's values to smooth the 'background' and any radio button
    can be used with a 2-Radius and 3-Feathering .. so a 7x7 does the most smoothing if needed . That is about all I did on a single CR2. image that I'l
    later show that resembles the DSLR's LCD screen . The new Canon Digital Photo Professional v4.xx doesn't any longer have a 'High Quality' option
    in the 'Preferences' so you would just us a light amount of 'Un-SharpMask' like 1.0 for the three options ., then when you 'Batch Process' to 16BIT TIFF
    and put them in MaximDL Pro to stack they might only need a "Kernal Filter Median3x3" also . The Canon program has 'color' sliders in the 'Tool Palette'
    and the 'Magenta' will increase to a scarlet red with the 's' slider . The image only needs to brighten a little to be like the DSLR's LCD screen image .

    The stars in M27 seem to have a decline slight drift for the larger stars and after a few nights I figured out the 'Losmandy Polar Scope' was off by a lot..
    so I was by the Cat's Eye Nebula and did a ' .25xSiderealGuideRate ' for 20 seconds for a move in MaximDL Pro for the Guider Calibration and I made
    some large adjustments till I got it right . Then I put in the 'Losmandy Polar Scope' and Polaris was 1/3rd of the way to the third star so I tuned the 'reticle'
    as good as I could . On another night I was in a different spot for the Box Nebula and I used the 'Losmandy Polar Scope' and adjusted the RA of the Mount
    and Decilne was OK and then a Guider Calibration and it was good so when I get some sky here on maybe Sat. and Sunday night I'l do Webcam images
    with at least the 4XPowerMate , and then the 2.5XPwrMte into the 2XPwrMte on Jupiter and Saturn and MARS .x

    The Mars image here is 200-frames from 1800-frames and a 'Wavelet' file for RegiStax also for it , I made it look redder to show the dark areas and it was
    imaged last month . I used a TeleVue 3XBarlow for this image with the ZWOASI120MC-S WebCam .x
    RegiStax 'Wavelet' file must be changed to ' .rwv '

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