M27 Lumicon UHC filter

Discussion in 'My Astrophotos' started by ROBERT T SCHAEFER JR, Aug 16, 2021.


    ROBERT T SCHAEFER JR Cyanogen Customer

    May 13, 2018
    ###MaxIm DL Version 6.16 started on DESKTOP-QCLR41U
    Process, Stack
    9 files added in 1 group (new) [4.45 sec]
    View, Zoom In: M27-0001-ISO3200UHC.fit [Reference image]
    View, Zoom In: M27-0001-ISO3200UHC.fit [Reference image]
    Added 9 images for M27 [71.19 sec]
    Sigma Clip factor 7.00: clipped 6.4% (4639330 of 72685584 pixels)
    Sigma Clip combine succeeded using 509490KB memory [11.73 sec]
    Process, Stack (OK)
    Process, Make Pixels Square: M27
    Process, Make Pixels Square (OK)
    Edit, Crop: M27
    Edit, Crop (OK)
    Process, Make Pixels Square: M27
    Process, Make Pixels Square (OK)
    View, FITS Header Window
    M27: set FITS key 'XPIXSZ' to 3.72
    M27: set FITS key 'YPIXSZ' to 3.72
    M27: set FITS key 'DARKTIME' to 490
    M27: set FITS key 'FILTER' to "Lumicon UHC (wide-band OIII) 2in."
    Process, Make Pixels Square: M27
    Process, Make Pixels Square (OK)
    View, Log Window### [[[ WITH_THIS example of 6-frames of UHC and of Baader 7nm Ha at 100secISO3200-6400 . I left as Bin1 and a "Convert Color" to each image without any other command and leaving them as the Bin1 size , I did this to each filter type 'light' frames ;;; I then I used the STACK command and first I did Sigma-Clip 'Linear' and Normalization: 30% and Sigma-Factor: 7.0 for the UHC . ]]]]] ^^^^ 152mm A+M Refractor(OfficinaStellare-1200mmF/L) using a TeleVue 2XPowerMate for an effect of 2400mmFL using a Lumicon UHC(wide-band OIII) 2in. filter . **** I did RAWMonochrome images thru MaximDL Pro V6.16 .^^^^ I did RAWMonochrome Autosave Sequences with 67secISO100flush-frames before each 'light' frame and a 50sec Delay Between frames . I did two 200secISO3200+ISO6400 'light' frames and two 400secISO3200+6400 'light' frames and two 600secISO3200+ISO6400 'light' frames and one 690secISO3200 'light' frame but the larger stars started to get a slight dribble drop over-saturation mis-hap so I then did three 660secISO3200+6400 'light' frames and all the 'light' frames I did I used the DSLR 'in-camera' 'Long Exposure Noise Reduction ON' to make the images more 'noise-free' . I did a Sigma-Clip 'Manual 2 Star' stacking at the Bin1 original stage but I did a "Convert Color" to them first and that was all I did a 'screen-stretch' to show the most and a "Color Balance" and then "Color Adjust 'Background- 3.0% as BLUE" and from there I did the "Stretch" command a 'Gamma- .08 ' and Max-Pixel and 'Unlimited' ... two different times . Some "Curves-Luminance" and "Levels" . Also , "Kernal Filter for Dilation3x3 with 'pixel-restrictions only to work on the outer-limits of the smoke-clouds areas which lightened them up . This is the most I could get to show the M27 with an OIII type filter .x
    A MONO FITS for 'false-color' , all these images are from 3.72micron size to the Bin sizes .x

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