M33 with some "Meridian Delay" info

Discussion in 'My Astrophotos' started by ROBERT T SCHAEFER JR, Sep 17, 2020.


    ROBERT T SCHAEFER JR Cyanogen Customer

    May 13, 2018
    152mm A+M Refractor(OfficinaStellare-1200mmF/L) using a TeleVue .8XReducer/Flattener for an effect of 950mmFL with a BreakThrough X4-UV 49mm filter with step-rings to 48mm and using a CanonEOSII RebelT7i modified UV-IR @ Hutech on an Astro-Physics 1200GTO CP3 '2010' Mount . The sky was slightly tinted a light color from the California smoke but I did RAWMonochrome Autosave Sequences from 67sec to 127sec to 376sec and some 67secISO100Flush frames for a total of forty-nine frames ... this is the result .x {{{{{ I was trying to get MaximDL Pro V6.16 to work with the Mount on the "Meridian Delay" and all things I tried didn't do it .. I have the new Astro-Physics V2 Driver and the new ASCOM Platform and MaximDL Pro V6.16 and I read the V2 Driver Help pages about the "Meridian Delay" which will work with the Mount on it's own , but , MaximDL Pro doesn't seem to recognize the "Meridian Delay" of the Mount or with the settings in the Astro-Physics V2 Driver when 'connected' to the "Observatory Control" of MaximDL Pro ???? ; I an 'connected' to the V2 Driver for 'Mount Type' and I tried the other 'German Equatorial' but that reads the same in the 'Status' tab when you put the pointer in the upper left section for > 'Tracking , West of Pier , German Mount' will then displayed . There is also an option in the 'Telescope' tab at the bottom for 'Limits and Flip' and I have it at the 'Tracking (GEM only)' for 'No restrictions' radio button as the usual setting but I tried the others and the 'Auto pier flip' radio button might be it but I don't know till I do a Mosaic Auto Sequence that goes thru the Meridian and should the "Meridian Delay" be set in the Astro-Physics V2 Driver section ? . I tried the 'Calibrate' for "Center on Image" and the ASCOM Normal is OK .. or should it be set to From Scope Position ? . I'm hoping someone might know what settings to use . If I was doing the IC1396 like I tried for a 7X9 Tile Mosaic Sequence which from 2hrs. before the Meridian looking EAST the Mount did a Pier Flip at the Meridian but I was thru the 'center' Tile section already and then the slew and the Guider started to expose again to continue the Mosaic so I let it do it till the end but I'm not sure the bottom section will match yet and in the Mosaic Setup I used the .Center' radio button being I was 'centered' and I needed to use the 'Mosaic Position' option 'RA and Dec' coordinates of the IC1396 Elephant Trunk or if I used the 'Current telescope position' the Telescope would begin to slew to the West right away and that's the wrong way.... unless it was going to use the "Meridian Delay" and look West and lean back to the EAST to start the Mosaic ??? .. so the 'Ra and Dec' works the best . I'm using 'East to West, North to South' . There would be something that could be done in this case when the Meridian comes and the Telescope Flips to look West is the then 'Stop' the Camera1 proceedure which would stop the Mosaic Sequence and without touching the Camera position on the Telescope .. do a GoTo to IC1396 again and 'solve' the image and 'Sync' and then do a GoTo to IC1396 again and then use the 'Ra and Dec' in the Mosaic Setup with the same coordinates and use instead the 'East to West, South to North' option which will do the same moves but will start at the lower side and work it's way up to the 'center' section and the Mosaic would complete more normal ... then remember which Tile section started that and 'Flip-Mirror' those Tiles when assembling the Mosaic so the beginning images and the ending images match .}}}}}}}}}} I usually but haven't done a Park1 , Park2 , and Park3 but maybe next time I should use 'New' for the Park positions and start with Park4 to Park2 and then Park3 and see if that helps with MaximDL Pro realizing the "Meridian Delay" commands .!. ??? .x

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