152mm A+M Refractor(OfficinaStellare-1200mmF/L) using a CanonEOSII 6D'stock-new 2017 model DSLR from B+HPhoto thru a TeleVue 2XPowerMate with a BreakThrough X4-UV 49mm filter with step-rings to 48mm . Seven 'oneshotColor' images at 200secISO1600 were 'Calibrated' with a BiasMaster and a FlatDARKMaster and a FLATMaster ... the FLATMaster used had the 'Auto-Remove Gradient' filter applied to shift the 'gradient' in the FLATMaster from a darkness on the right side and brightness on the left side to try to make the FLATMaster look more even with the light differences and this also lowered the 'Standard Deviation' in the "Information" window for 'Area' and .... this FLATMaster has alot of spots and other artifacts that hopefully were extracted out of the 'light' frames during the 'Calibrate' . After stacking as Sum I used the "Digital Development-FFT_Hard" and then I worked on the FITS image a long time with smoothing and sharpening and reducing color saturation in the faint areas of the galaxy and increasing saturation in the stars .... I did a "Remove Bloom" to some out of round stars on the left side . Also , two JPGs of an ISO3200 FLATMaster are shown and 'original' and 'Auto-RemoveGradient' . The 6D can't be used for imaging till I get the 'anti-Alaising' filter removed or fixed . But , the idea is the "Auto-Remove Gradient" filter applied to the 'original' FLATMasters and a "Save As...IEEEFloat" with an add 'RemovedGradient" to identify it and use it which doesn't seem to damage the image and it does 'Calibrate' . x