M57 the Ring Nebula the other nite starting with a 'Live View' 'focus' on the second star I could see while doing a 'Two Star Align' at Sheliak and then going to the M57 with the Astro-Physics 1200GTO 2010 Mount . I moved the 'focus' position as a 'Move In' of 50-Increments and doing 100secISO6400 test shots for the star sizes and they kept decreasing till at a total of 250-Increments with a 'Move In' with a Starizona Motor Focuser on a Starlight Instruments 3.5" Focuser while connected to MaximDL Pro V6.16 in the 'Focus' tab and using a Canon EOSII Rebel T7i modified by Hutech at PictureStyle-Faithful 5200K . A FITS image done with a Bin3 then another Bin3 will GSC Catalog 'solve' using about 20 stars . The FITS here is a "Half Size" then another "Half Size" that can be made to "Double Size" to work on it because I didn't do any processing to it except "Convert Color 100% Scaling and Auto-Background" and then "Kernal Filter Median5x5" . The image is eight 125secISO6400 RAWMonochrome-Autosaves 'Manual 2 Star Aligned ' then Sum stacked at a "Half Size" size and then "Double Size" .x The FITS is large at 8-bit and the image isn't cropped .x