M63 Sunflower Galaxy

Discussion in 'My Astrophotos' started by ROBERT T SCHAEFER JR, Jun 21, 2018.


    ROBERT T SCHAEFER JR Cyanogen Customer

    May 13, 2018
    M63 the Sunflower Galaxy Canon Rebel T7i 'Baader Fringe Killer 2in. filter' 2.5XPwrMte 2960mmFL for 95xpwr' two 11minISO1600 RAWMono-Autosaves in
    MaximDL Pro V6.16 ' 152mm A+M Refractor(OfficinaStellare)' ' Auto-star matching - Sum' .
    I thought I did the same thing to both images .... and when I went to 'stack' them they wouldn't do it .?,~! ? . I then tried 'Manual 2 stars' to align them and I
    pressed 'GO' and it took awhile and they 'stacked' . I then did "Double Size" and it took awhile and then some commands would say ' Out of Memory ' so I wondered
    what was wrong . I checked both images and I forgot to "Half Size" the first one and that was being used as the 'Reference' image was at a Bin1 size
    and the second image was at a Bin2 size ...? but they 'stacked' . Maybe they will go together like in "ImagesPlus" where you can 'combine' different Format cameras
    to a one size image .? I don't know if MaximDL Pro will work that way for different camera types and sizes to become one image using ' Manual 2 stars ' aligning and if
    the 'Reference' image will determine the resulting image size ???? Checking the FITS Header for Pixel size will tell some of the result .z

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