152mm A+M Refractor(OfficinaStellare-1200mmF/L) using a TeleVue .8XReducer/Flattener for an effect of 955mmFL with a BreakThrough X4-UV 49mm filter with step-rings to 48mm and a RebelT7i modified UV-IR @ Hutech for a single shot of 47secISO6400 with the MaximDL Pro V6.16 "Shutter Latency Measurement" tool 'applied' with numerical data to allow a ' 2sec Mirror Lockup ' and time to 'open' the 'shutter' before the 'sensor' acquires data ..... The clouds came out after this for the rest of the night or I would have gotten more images to 'stack' them ... but with "Digital Development Gaussian: 1 pixel " applied to this image made it look OK .x Also some JPGs showing before and after images of the data the CanonEOSII RebelT7i with a 18-55mmLenns at 50mm sees for ' .5secISO400 ' .x