CanonEOSII RebelT7i 'modified UV-IR @ Hutech' using a TPO 80A filter thru a TeleVue 2.5XPowerMate for 3000mmF/L thru a 152mm A+M Refractor(OfficinaStellare) on an Astro-Physics 1200GTO Mount using MaximDL Pro V6.16 for 607secISO6400 RAWMonochrome Autosaves for four images . Then 'calibrated' and processed and Astrometric-Average stacked . Then the FITS was put into "ImagesPlus" for a lot of commands and then back into MaximDL Pro ... I did a 'Remove Pedestal' to move the 16BIT data in the 'screen stretch' window to the right about halfway ... and then the "Pixel Math for Image A Scale Factor 1000% and I used the Multiply radio button and for Image B Scale Factor 500% and Add Constant- 500 " and then adjusted the 'screen-stretch' , for just the M83 image .x \ These images were RAWMonochrome Autosave images taken thru MaximDL Pro and then 'calibrated' and Astrometric Average stacked . Being that they were four images or less for each 'object' there wouldn't be a large content of digital data for the laptop to add up and then divide the amount of images into the added result to make the final image .. which is supposed to 'double' the SNR which is better than a single image before stacking . If I used the Sum stacking option then amount of data would be a large amount for the final stacked image …. which with just a few images used to stack .. the data content wouldn't be a super large amount ……. but …. with Calculators using high content data.. they can run out of mentality and not be able to compute the proper end result … possibly using 'icons' to describe what they can't comprehend ….. so,o,o,o … can a laptop compute very high digital data to complete a 'stacked' image correctly ?.?. If , you had twenty-four images to Sum stack … do you think the laptop can add up all the digital data to make a complete stacked image ? ; even doing the Average option still adds up the data and then divides the amount of images into it and makes the stacked image … but what it the laptop can't add up all the data to do that … and somehow it might look like something is missing ! .? . The only thing I can think to do about that is if you had for example twenty-four images and you want to Sum or Average stack them all is to do the stacking in smaller amount sections like four at a time and then you would have six separate stacked images and then you could stack those results into the final end result stacked image …. hoping the laptop has comprehended all the data for the final result image .. , and with the Sum option the 'screen-stretch' probably should be put to MaxVal and then the "Stretch" command for 16BIT should be applied to the section of four Sum stacked images to lower the resulted content from the … for example 5.000e 000 content of a Sum stacked image which will add up to millions or billions of digital data … if the laptop can actually comprehend the real result instead of an approximated 'icon' and numerical data result … which means the problem with stacking large content images into a single stacked image might be that the laptop can't really compute to extreme high numbers in about a minute's time during the 'stacking' operation..? … maybe it can and maybe it can't .. but with my luck it could be ' maybe it can't ' ./x