macOS and Linux Drivers

Discussion in 'Aluma CCD Series' started by doncarona, Jul 20, 2023.

  1. doncarona

    doncarona Standard User

    Oct 26, 2016
    Hi Doug and Colin,

    Can you guys send me the macOS and Linux drivers as well as the software development kit for the SBIG STC-428-P. Our recent acquisition should arrive in the next week or so. I appears I have a lot of work to do if I'm the person that will end up having to create a plugin for the TheSky. This used to be so simple.

    It would be helpful to have the MaxIm DL Pro demo version as well. At least, temporarily until I can get the the Maxim LT license once the camera arrives. That'll at least let me hobble together micro pc to do some basic stuff for playing around.

    Best Regards,
    Don W. Carona
    Physics Teaching Observatory
    Department of Physics & Astronomy
    Texas A&M University
  2. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
  3. doncarona

    doncarona Standard User

    Oct 26, 2016
    Thanks for the quick response Doug. Looking forward to testing out the STC-428-P.

    Best Regards,
  4. rpineau

    rpineau Standard User

    Oct 10, 2014
    USA / CA
    I started writing the X2 plugin for the Aluma series but there are issues with the underlaying library the SDK is using (libftd3xx and libftd2xx).
    Latest version of the SDK I have for macOS is dlapi-sdk.macOS_2.0.3-0 , not sure if there is a newer version.
    I'm at the stage where I can take 1 picture and the 2nd picture never complete... but this was with this SDK.. not sure if there are new version (all my email are now being ignored...).
    My code is open source so feel free to get what you need :

    For Diffraction Limited : If you still want me to finish the X2 plugin, please reply to my email. This was started over 2 years ago.. I have since wrote 2 other X2 camera plugin for your competitor since your last email response to me. Also as you provide the SDK to whoever ask for it.. why hiding it.. your competitor have the SDK available for download directly on their site... not sure why you want to hide it.
    All the link on the page you link to get the API, except the Windows version, point to version 1.4.0 ... not usable ( ).
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2023
  5. doncarona

    doncarona Standard User

    Oct 26, 2016
    Thank you very much for the kind offering. This is much newer than the dlapi-sdk.macOS_2.0.3-0 that I was passed along the other day. After looking into this a little, I'm not sure if there's a reason to move forward, but I will take a look at it.

    It appears that SBIG (Diffraction) has decided to go full support to windows. To refer to macOS and Linux in the older x86 and no ARM64 and no access to the libs is being a bit generous. I'll build an older Mac for now to write some code based on what I need for the new camera. Unless there's something in the wind to bring macOS back to SBIG, this is probably the end of the line for use. A little sad after more than 30 years for me personally of working with SBIG and creating some of the best systems across multiple platforms.

    Don't get me wrong...I don't blame a business for doing what they need to do. I just I thought that DLAPI was supposed to bring it all back into focus with better methods and cross platform. It doesn't look like its going to be a robust scenario that I don't have to program.
  6. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    Our main issue has been the FTDI USB Chipset drivers. They have (different) issues on Mac and Linux, and we haven't been able to get FTDI to resolve them. Their Windows drivers are rock solid.

    Adam is on vacation this week; he may be able to provide an update when he gets back.
  7. doncarona

    doncarona Standard User

    Oct 26, 2016
    It's a beautiful camera setup to look at. Just can't do anything with it...waiting for a license response. Maybe I have to be vetted by the FBI first? Ha!
  8. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    FBI is on it. ;)
  9. doncarona

    doncarona Standard User

    Oct 26, 2016
    Hi Doug. I wanted you to know that I received the license. I don't have the camera with me at present. Is the general idea that I install MaxIm DL and it somehow allows me to use enable MaxIm LT? Or is this a separate application (MaxIm LT)? It looks like everything that I sent references MaxIm DL with the exception of the MaxIm LT license. Am I on the right track? Thanks!
  10. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    There is a single installer for all versions. The license determines the product level that you run.
  11. doncarona

    doncarona Standard User

    Oct 26, 2016
    Thanks Doug for your help. Long day today, but looking forward to playing around tomorrow morning.
  12. doncarona

    doncarona Standard User

    Oct 26, 2016
    Good morning Doug. I was able to get the MaxIm LT installed fine. Likewise, able to install "SetupDLAPI.exe" and "FTD3XXDriver_WHQLCertified_v1.3.0.4_Installer.exe", which did not need it as it was already current. Went to started working through the "Connecting the STC Camera to MaxIm LT". Setup Camera under Camera 1 then the DS Imaging mode DL Imaging...then into Advanced...but no devices in DL :: Config. Verified power, usb connected, fan running. Note that I did run everything as administrator just to be sure I didn't miss something there. Not very proficient in Windows; so, any thoughts would be helpful.
  13. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    First things first... does the camera show up in the Device Manager?
  14. doncarona

    doncarona Standard User

    Oct 26, 2016
    What should I see in Device Manger? I see a list of devices. What should I look for? Apologies...very much a skilled in this os.
  15. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
  16. doncarona

    doncarona Standard User

    Oct 26, 2016
    Thanks Doug. If everything is going to be that easy...I let be a happy camper. I now have the STC as noted in the DL :: Confi. Back on track.
  17. doncarona

    doncarona Standard User

    Oct 26, 2016
    Thanks for the help Doug. I'm slowing get my sea legs with respect to windows. It's been many years, but it doesn't really seem to be that much differed over the years. Built a micro-pc that looks like should work to tether itself to the TCS via macOS.

    The filters are all setup and tested. Turns out my ancient Accessory Test Lens works perfectly on the STC-428. Everything appears in order. Testing on the sky next.

    One quick oddity...the STC-428 purport a global shutter, but according to MaxIm LT it specify a rolling shutter in DL :: Config. Which is it?
  18. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Don, as Doug is out of office today, I thought I'd chime in.
    The Sony Pregius sensors like the IMX428 in the STC-428 are Global Shutter.
    The Sony STARVIS sensors (like the IMX290 used in some guide cameras) are rolling shutter.

    I think that may be a bug in the DL::Config screen. Reality is the IMX428 CMOS APS is indeed global shutter.

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