MARS..... thru a 152mm A+M Refractor(OfficinaStellare) 1200mmFL using a TeleVue 2.5XPwrMte into a 2XPwrMte for 5400mmFL and 108xpower magnification . A ZWOASI120MC-S WebCam was used and the image is done in RegiStax as 810-frames of 2001-frames and a 'Wavelet-Dyadic' was used ; 'Prefilter was Blur-4 , Smooth-15 , Gamma- .5 , and Normalize ' ; after stacking I only used 'RGB Align' and then 'Contrast - 120' and the file for the 'Wavelet-Dyadic' ...included here . The images were on Aug. 5 2018 .x The file for RegiStax must have the extension .rwv to work .