MaxIm DL V7.1.3 Released

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Doug, Jan 10, 2025.

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  1. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    IMPORTANT: A few users have reported that the new installer failed to update the MaxIm DL executable files. If this happens to you, simply restart the installer and select Repair. We will attempt to resolve this for the next hotfix.

    V7.1.3 is a hotfix. Release notes:
    • Installer: Now forces upgrade to Visual Studio redistributables.
    • Settings: Fixed problem with Latitude / Longitude not being retained.
    • Narrowband Blending: Added ability to add multiple files in one operation. Ensure FITS keywords are transferred. Fixed a potential crash. Removed redundant Equalize column. Fixed UI issues.
    • Information Panel: Fixed issue with display when arcsecond units are selected.
    • Batch Process: Fixed UI issue.
    • AO Control: Fixed crash due to rendering error on guider image display, cleaned up display behavior on tracking start.
    • Dark/Light Mode: Fixed crash in Dark Mode in Windows 10 if certain libraries aren't present on the system.
    • Improved V6 to V7 settings transfer.
    • Camera Control: Prevent Autosiave dialog display when no camera connected; this prevents improper initialization of the dialog box. Now possible to tab through Autosave table entries. Autosave now properly handles binning for cameras that can't do asymmetric binning. Fixed problem loading binning settings from sequence file. Fixed an issue with captured image filename numbering. Improved camera error logging.
    • Other minor internal improvements.
    To update, select Help Ribbon / Check For Updates.

    Note: You will be asked to upgrade the Visual Studio Redistributable Package. Go ahead and install; if it says repair/remove then you can simply close it and the installation will proceed.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2025
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