Mel 15

Discussion in 'My Astrophotos' started by ROBERT T SCHAEFER JR, Oct 7, 2022.


    ROBERT T SCHAEFER JR Cyanogen Customer

    May 13, 2018
    CanonEOSII RebelT7i modified UV-IR @ Hutech thru a 152mm A+M Refractor(OfficinaStellare-1200mmF/L) using a TeleVue 2XPowerMate for an effect of 2400mmFL using a DeepSkyLumicon 2in filter , and using 'LongExposureNoiseReductionEnabled' and 'HighlightTonePriorityEnabled' . I did five 480secISO3200 RAWMonochrome Autosaves with 67secISO800-flushframes but I didn't use the flushframes . I did a 'Calibrate' with a FlatMaster that was 'blue-sky' flats . I stacked them as SDMask .

    MaxIm DL Version 6.16 started on DESKTOP-QCLR41U
    Process, Stack
    5 files added in 1 group (new) [3.44 sec]
    Added 5 images for Mel15 [63.31 sec]
    SD Mask factor 5.00, 2 passes: 0.2% medians (132634 of 72685584 pixels);
    Mean Standard Deviations 28.7(R) 15.2(G) 26.3(B)
    SD Mask combine succeeded using 509470KB memory [13.11 sec]
    Process, Stack (OK)
    View, Log Window .

    When I try to 'Calibrate' the Guider at a different 'object' when imaging and the Declination has changed a lot , I noticed that to do a 'Calibrate' again will make better lines in MaximDL Pro with an Astro-Physics 1200GTO Mount using 1xSiderealGuideRate ..

    [ I have my Astro-Physics 1200GTO Mount outside on some flat rocks I put in the grass and the East side of the Astro-Physics Pier is lower so I cut four squares from plywood and screwed them together , but they were there for about two years and they are becoming soggy . I found some 1x6 inch pressure treated boards around the yard and I cut four at 6 inches long and I used deck screws to stack them together to replace the plywood situation . I then needed to raise the other two legs of the Pier with one pressure treated board and I made sure the boards were shimmed stable on the rocks with other flat pieces of slate . I used a bubble level to level the Pier and then put some 3 in 1 oil on the Pier top and then the RA part of the Mount on the Pier and then I oiled the top section of the RA part and then put on the Dec section of the Mount and then the Counter-Weight Shaft and then two 10 pound Counter Weights up close the the Dec section . Then I used the bubble level on the East side of the Pier top which is now a narrow edge but the level can be held on the edge for a bubble reading .... which was leaning up toward the South which meant the Pier was leaning down a little to the North , so I adjusted the front North side Pier turn buckle to get the bubble to a level position and the South side back of the Pier needed a little adjustment . When I put the Telescope on the Mount and the Guide Scope and an extra 5 pound Counter Weight I did another small adjustment with the bubble level like before and I assume everythings level . Then I used the Losmandy Polar Scope and got the three stars where they are supposed to be and the year 2020 part of the directions show the second and third stars should be on their main lines . The Mount is real close to Polar Alignment but with MaximDL Pro when you 'Calibrate' you look at the 'red' lines being drawn to mark the star's travel .... you look to see if the RA and Dec lines are over-riding each for each direction and if they are slightly apart for RA travel or Dec travel you then can make adjustments with the Azimuth and Decline knobs till it looks like a good right angle travel path . This is probably in Polar Alignment all the time but when a different setup is used you then check with the bubble level for a good level again and hopefully it's all Polar Aligned trying to prevent large drift between images .] . x

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