Fortunate to acquire this image as I woke up at 03:00AM and checked to see what the automation s/w had captured. Nothing... It took the morning off. One has to push the Go button on the automation s/w to expect results. Was able to kick start it although by then the object was getting low in the sky. Two panel mosaic consisting one channel R-G-B at 360' exposure. Captured and processed in Maxim. The imager picked up some faint stuff - guess the high level smoke was cleared out. Tim
Thanks Doug... A "blue" satellite snuck in. I tend to leave those in place. Hopefully next image session enough images will be captured to let a median combine do it's magic.
From some more data captured two nights ago... 13 images total of 360 seconds for each mosaic (2 in all). Captured and processed in Maxim.