152mm A+M Refractor(OfficinaStellare-1200mmF/L) using a TeleVue 2.5XPowerMate into a 2XPowerMate for an effect of 5900mmFL and a BreakThrough X4-UV 49mm filter attached with step-rings ; using a CanonEOSII RebelT7i modified UV-IR @ Hutech ; on anAstro-Physics 1200GTO Mount at 1xSiderealGuideRate ; 'one-shotColor' images were taken for four images each for 127secISO3200-6400-12800-25600 and then processed in MaximDL Pro V6.20 as CR2.s and Sum stacked ... various commands were used and the FITS will "PinPoint Astrometry" USNO-A2 'solve' at the Defaults ..... the stars were not in a good 'focus' but ISO25600 showed more light of the NGC2261 nebula in the dimmer areas . x