NGC4236 calibrating with 'flats'

Discussion in 'My Astrophotos' started by ROBERT T SCHAEFER JR, Apr 27, 2022.


    ROBERT T SCHAEFER JR Cyanogen Customer

    May 13, 2018
    RebelT7i modified UV-IR @ Hutech thru a 152mm A+M Refractor(OfficinaStellare-1200mmF/L) using a TeleVue .8XReducer/Flattener for an effect of 950mmFL and without using any 'filter' except for the DSLR's 'blocking' filter in the camera . I used a "Custom White Balance" for the 'Custom' icon and the image selected was of a 'black' 30in.x20in. cardboard from DollarTree for $1.00 and during a cloudy day using the 'Daylight' icon at ISO100 which kept the board dark black . I used the 'HighlightTonePriority-Enabled' and 'Long Exposure Noise Reduction-Enabled' ;
    {{{{ I did a "Set Calibration" 'calibration' with DarkMasters that are for the 'flats' and I made FlatMasters with them , but the ISO6400 FlatMaster might have added too much brightness in the bottom of the image and after 'stacking' I used a lot of things like "Remove Gradient" and "Auto-Flatten Background" and "Flatten Background" trying to diminish the lighter bottom area as much as I could ..x }}}}

    I did eight 200secISO1600 and 3200 RAWMonochrome Autosave FITS with '67secISO200 flush-frames' before each 'light' frame . Then I did six 451secISO3200 and 6400 'light' frames the same way for a total of fourteen FITS images .

    |||| I stacked each separate time exposure types as Sigma-Clip_DeltaLevel' after I did a "Convert Color" as the Full applied method which is like in the Manual as > Before I 'stacked' them I did a "ConvertColor-Scaling R-G-B at 100% and I turned off the 'Auto' for 'Background' and then I used the 'Reset' button to put the 'background' level to ' 0 ' for R-G-B and also I 'checked' the 'Under-sample' which acts as an anti-aliasing filter and I 'checked' the 'High Quality' box which has a 'gradient' algorithm that calculates how to remove the 'gradient' in the image .... like the Manual says . But , the image is a 'red' color , but after 'stacking' it might be a good idea to use the "Flatten Background" command and make points to move the brightness around the image instead of seeing it in one area .... and then you use the "ColorBalance" . |||||

    && This image of the finished 'stacked' FITS is the color ... but I found that first using the "Flatten Background" command with points to move the brighter bottom area brightness around the image was easier than doing a "Color Balance" first and then trying to remove the brighter bottom area . This is the original way the image looked before I used the "Flatten Background" command on it , and it is 'screen-stretched' to show it better . && x

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