152mm A+M Refractor(OfficinaStellare-1200mmF?L) using a TeleVue 2.5XPowerMate for an effect of 2960mmFL and a BreakThrough X4-UV 49mm filter with step-rings to 48mm and a CanonEOSII RebelT7i modified UV-IR @ Hutech and on an Astro-Physics 1200GTO Mount at 1xSiderealGuideRate . I did RAWMonochrome Autosave images thru MaximDL Pro V6.16 and to start with a 67secISO100-Flush 'light' frame to clean the 'sensor' , hopefully , and then a 147secISO3200 and 147secISO6400 and 147secISO12800 also with a 67secISO100-Flush 'light' frame between them ... and then two 247secISO3200 and two 247secISO6400 'light' frames with the 67secISO100-Flush 'light' frames between them also . The NGC4236 'galaxy' is between Alkaid and Mizar but it's closer to Mizar and there is little time at this time of the year because it's going down fast in the NorthWest . In the early Spring when it's in the NorthEast would be better for more 'light' frame images . Distortion is around the edges and I had to stack them as Median which looked a little smoother ... and various other commands . The FITS image will "PinPoint Astrometry" USNO-A2 'solve' with the 'defaults' in MaximDL Pro's "PinPointAstrometry" command . When I took a test shot I thought the largest star and the others might not be in 'focus' so I did 20secISO6400 'light' frames and I used the 'Focus' tab and a Starizona 'motor-focuser' and I moved ' 20-increments' outward and took a shot and continued that way till I was about ' 100-increments' outward and that looked like the best 'focus' and this image is the result .x