NGC5907 Splinter Galaxy

Discussion in 'My Astrophotos' started by ROBERT T SCHAEFER JR, Mar 3, 2019.


    ROBERT T SCHAEFER JR Cyanogen Customer

    May 13, 2018
    Stars were out of 'focus' but I fixed them in "ImagesPlus" with the 'Bloom' command in the 'Smoothing' options with a maximum application on the whole image .x
    The image is 247secISO6400 and would need a couple of more minutes to move the Histogram 'data' to the right a little more in the Rebel's LCD screen.
    {{{{ I found a Wikipedia page about RAW images in DSLR's and it said the ' RAW DSLR images displayed in the camera's LCD screen are
    shown as JPG which the camera creates to show ' ; so I think the Histogram 'data' in the Info of the LCD screen is the JPG version which probably
    is a smaller content than the original RAW 'data' of the image which is probably showing the best content for the image in the LCD screen .
    When you download the images to the laptop you are looking at the RAW 'data' in Canon Digital Photo Professional and it then looks dim and
    not like the camera's LCD screen because there is a lot more content in the RAW version and includes darkened values . But ,
    still , the Histogram of the displayed JPG can still give a clue about the idea of exposing longer to get the 'data' more toward the middle area of
    the Histogram so it might be assumed the RAW 'data' has enough content .}}}}.x

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