152mm A+M Refractor(OfficinaStellare-1200mmF/L) using a TeleVue .8XReducer/Flattener for 950mmFL using a CanonEOS Rebel T7i modified UV-IR @ Hutech , for 81secISO6400 for seventeen 'one-shotColor' images and the CR.2s were put into MaximDL Pro V6.20 to process with 'Calibrate' and 'ComvertColor' and 'KernalFilter-Median5x5' and 'Make Pixels Square' and 'Resize from 3.72micron pixels to 6.5micron size pixels' amd Bin2 and 'PinPointAstrometric-GSC Solved' and 'Astrometric-Align' and 'Average' Stacked .... just 'scree-stretch' was used to show content . < This shows that exposures of up to two minutes might be able to be used with UHC and Ha and SII filters for the FalseColor image ... but the Moon was out and NGC7000 was starting to go low in the West .. but when there is a New Moon soon , I might be able to do all three filters with SII being two minute images and the UHC as 1 minute images ..? ; one good thing about a camera that has an LCD Screen on the backside is that it's JPG display of the image you aquired can be seen to show a good amount of content so you can judge the exposure length to use . ..x