152mm A+M Refractor(OfficinaStellare-1200mmF/L) using a TeleVue .8XReducer/Flattener for an effect of 950mmFL with a BreakThrough X4-UV 49mm filter with step-rings to 48mm and using a CanonEOSII RebelT7i modified UV-IR @ Hutech on an Astro-Physics 1200GTO CP3 '2010' Mount . Added info>>>> I found in the MaximDL Pro V6.16 'Help' Manual for " Autosave Sequence" a section that is in the drop-list where the time amount is shown for an Autosave Sequence for 'Estimated Duration' and the first in the list is 'Set Download Times...' and you tap on it and a small page appears and you would 'check' the box in the upper left to make it active and while 'connected' to the Canon EOSII Rebel T7i for example which is 'Perform consistency check on close' ... and , there is a 'red' 'X' to 'x' out what you don't need but next to that on the left is a faint looking 'Folder' icon and you tap on that and a row will appear as 'Bin1' . When 'connected' to the camera the page will be different than when not 'connected' but when 'connected' there will be small boxes with letters like I 'R' I , I 'R' I , I 'J' I , I 'J' I , I 'C' I , I 'C' I , I 'R' I . I 'L' I . Each one of these letters are part of a word that is hidden and to show them you put the 'cursor' on the page edge and 'left-click' and 'drag' to the right to lengthen the page to about 8in. as a rectangle and then to each box with a letter in it you use the 'cursor' and do the same to the box line and 'drag' to the right till the total word that is hidden is shown .... and you do this to each box in the 'Bin1' line . The first box revealed ' RAW Monochrome ' and the next box revealed ' RAW Color ' . and then JPG , and then others and the last one as I 'L' I is shown as ' Live View ' . I tapped on each one in-case I use them and entered in ' 35.0 ' for 'seconds' which may be needed when doing one of these image types .... ' RAW Monochrome ' is what I always use .... and this is a safety measure in case after an 'exposure' happens and the camera hasn't finished 'downloading yet ... a 'message' is supposed to show saying more time is needed before the next image starts and the last download might not have completed and loses data ... , so this will make sure that doesn't happen and allow more time to finish the last image 'download' before starting the next image in the 'Autosave Sequence' . After you fill out each box's time with what you think the camera might need ... I'm using ' 35.0 ' for seconds you can press 'OK' and Close the page window .... You can also do a 'Bin2' section with the 'Bin1' section , then 'Save' to the "Configuration" you are using and it will always be available if a long 'download' event happens . << Added .x Another thing I found was a link with a Canon EOS 3 Utilty icon that said ' (x86) Programs ' , so I opened the 'OS Computer' Folder and tapped on (x86) and the Folder appears and in the Canon Folder there were two Folders and one of them had 'Canon EOS 3 Utility' application 37mbs and I double-tapped and the EOS 3 Utility command opened .... so I found it and then closed it and right-clicked the application line and selected 'Create Shortcut' and then the page that appears I selected 'Desktop' and the 'icon' was there and will 'open' the EOS 3 Utility ... but I didn't try it yet to see if it 'connects' but I will so I can 'focus' a Lens for piggyback imaging using the 'Remote Shooting' option ; the RebelT7i does 'connect' to the EOS Utility for 'Remote Shooting' so I can 'focus' a Lens . x With this NGC884 + NGC869 'Double Cluster' I did one Autosave Sequence of one image each of 47secISO200-400-800-1600-3200-6400 and also 67secISO100Flush-frames for a total of twelve RAWMonochrome images , I Average stacked the 67secISO100Flush-frames and I Sum stacked the 47secISO200 to 6400 'light' frames and then I Sum stacked the two results . I did "Digital Development-GaussianBlur: 1.0" and then "Levels - Gamma: .8 and the 'green' carot to the right to dim the brighter stars" , The "PixelMath" , "Adjust Saturation" , "ColorSmoothing" , "Curves - Luminance to show the dim background stars and decrease the brightest stars' brightness" , the "KernalFilter as High Pass-More - Low Pass More - Average7x7 -High Pass More with 'pixels restrictions' and Radius:1 and Feathering: 2 to sharpen the dimmest stars in the background" , and that was about it . This image shows that 47sec images can get enough photons to see background dim stars . * On the Internet some sites say some CMOS sensors can record one photon ... I wonder how many photons it takes to show the dimmest stars in this image ? . The RebelT7i has 3.72micron size pixels .. I wonder how many photons can be recorded at the same time on a pixel , and how many photons it take to raise the 'count' by one ? . "Deconvolve" needs to know that about a camera's pixel to 'deconvolve' correctly with Maximum Entropy . One camera ... a SpectraSource PC-Lynxx needs ' 36 ' photons to increase the 'count' by one and a ST-6 needs ' 6 ' photons and an ST-7 and ST-8 need ' 2.3 ' photons to increase the 'count' by one ... it's hard to say what the CanonEOSII RebelT7i needs .. but .. it might be ' 2 ' . ? . The ' e-/ADU ' statistic needed for "Deconvolve" is a value of the average 'pixel' of a camera and the ADU of a 'pixel' sounds like a 'light-shade' in it which might be increasing in brightness with more 'counts' being recorded in it .... like in bright nebulocity ..... real dim areas probably don't have that many 'counts' to a 'pixel' and stars can easily 'over-saturate' the 'pixel' where a star is at . The "Photon Wizard" is what you use with two RAWMonochrome 'flat' frames with one 'bias' frame to get the statistic ... and for the Canon RebelT7i it's about ' .4 ' or ' .5 ' which means that one half of a photon is needed to raise the 'count' by one , maybe that's an average idea because some photons are large and some are small . ? . If a camera's 'pixel' size is ' 9microns ' in size ... I wonder how many photons can be recorded at the same time .?. On the Internet I saw that millions of photons a second are either hitting a 'pixel' or the whole sensor at the same time .... if it's a 'pixel' it wouldn't take too long to fill the well . x