Odd behavior for "new" STT-8300

Discussion in 'Legacy Models - Community Support' started by Wes Ryle, Oct 18, 2021.

  1. Wes Ryle

    Wes Ryle Standard User

    Aug 25, 2021

    I have a STT-8300 with FW8G-STT filter wheel. Even though it was purchased a few years ago, I haven't hooked up the camera to the telescope until now.

    While the camera connection, control, cooling all work fine, there is a clear problem with the camera readout that I've never experienced with any camera before. It appears to be a vertical streaking and looking at the images, it seems to be a readout problem, not an optical problem. I 've had problems with darks and bias frames having artifacts as well. An example image is attached.

    I have updated the drivers and firmware using the SBIG 64-bit driver checker.

    Any advice is appreciated.


    Attached Files:

  2. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Hi Wes, sorry to see there's a problem.
    What's the camera serial number? How long has it been since it last was powered up (you imply it was a few years)?

    Can you confirm the multi-coloured LED (next to the green one) is off, not yellow or red ? That way we know it is getting sufficient voltage.

    I see the image was taken with a slightly out of date build of TheSky X.
    Have you tried using CCDOps 5.66?

    Can you confirm the SBIG Driver Checker is version 4.05 and lists sbigudrv.dll 4.99 (or 5.0.2)?

    Once you let us know the answers to the above, we can determing if we need to loop in @Bill for repairs.
    Bill (at) sbig (dot) com if you wish to contact him directly.
  3. Wes Ryle

    Wes Ryle Standard User

    Aug 25, 2021
    Hi Colin,

    Thanks for the fast reply.

    What's the camera serial number?

    How long has it been since it last was powered up (you imply it was a few years)?
    I did power the camera up a few nights before my original post, but it was not attached to the telescope. I was just testing the connection and taking some test images. I did notice some hot columns that appeared to come and go with that original test. Prior to that, the camera not been powered up since purchase (late 2016). I realize having it sit so long since purchase is a mistake on my part.

    Can you confirm the multi-coloured LED (next to the green one) is off, not yellow or red ?
    Yes, it is off. I have noticed that the fan comes on immediately when plugged in - is that normal behavior?

    Have you tried using CCDOps 5.66?
    I do have the current version of CCDOps installed. I have used it to take test exposures/darks while not attached to the telescope. One such dark is attached, showing the hot columns that seem to vary image to image. I also attached a 30 second exposure with the camera aperture covered that displays similar behavior to my original post with an image of a star field.

    Can you confirm the SBIG Driver Checker is version 4.05 and lists sbigudrv.dll 4.99 (or 5.0.2)?
    It appears I have driver checker version 4.03 Build 4 (64bit). I had just checked to see if I had the latest version, so I'm surprised to see you mention 4.05. The sbigudrv.dll is version with a date of 04-15-21. Firmware is listed as: sttusb.bf2 version 1.10, sttga.bf2 version 2.65.

    Thanks again for your help and let me know the next steps.


    Attached Files:

  4. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Ok, so that camera sat unused for around 5 years.

    A few thoughts:
    1) Electrolytic capacitors, as found in the power supply and on the circuit boards in the camera, start to become ineffective, and may dry out over time.
    Start with the power supply.
    Applying power to the supply for several hours may help bring them back.
    So, you could turn off the AC power to the camera, disconnect the power pack and USB from the camera.
    Plug the power supply into the wall and let it sit for several hours, with no load on it.
    This may help regenerate the electrolytic capacitors in it.

    2) Electronics can get out of calibration and parts can fail.
    Next, I'd suggest powering up the camera, connecting to it, and letting it do some basic exercising.
    e.g. shoot a few hundred images, change filters periodically.
    This will get the mechanical parts moving again (motors that operate the shutter and filter wheel carousel, and the fan).

    3) Check the cooler operation - set the cooler to 10C below ambient, and run it.
    Check if the multicolour LED goes yellow or red.
    The cooler puts a lot of load on the power supply.
    Bad power = erratic operation.
    Set the cooler to maybe 30C below ambient, and run it for a while. eg a full load for several minutes for it to cool down.

    4) Can you remove the drivers, uninstall the existing driver checker, and install this:
    When it comes time to install the drivers, and it asks to go to the internet, say NO.
    Then it will use 4.99 build 7 sbigudrv.dll.

    Launch it, go to the Firmware tab, and click [Get Firmware Version from Camera].
    Then take a screen shot and upload here.
    I think one of the firmware files *might* be out of date, but I can't be sure.
    If it is, then you will want to update it.

    Let us know what you find.
    If we're still seeing bad images, then it will need to go to Bill for adjustment or repair.
  5. Wes Ryle

    Wes Ryle Standard User

    Aug 25, 2021
    I'm getting ready to go through the other tests, but here, at least, is a response to item 4) on the firmware version. Pic attached.

    sttusb.bf2 v1.10
    sttga.bf2 v2.65

    Also, I noticed that images from the guider appear to read out normally and show none of the same effects as the main CCD.

    Thanks again,


    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Oct 22, 2021
  6. Wes Ryle

    Wes Ryle Standard User

    Aug 25, 2021

    I did run through the tests you suggested. Unfortunately the problems are still present. As I mentioned in the previous post, it appears the guider camera is functioning normally, but the main CCD continues to produce distorted images. Just as a summary, here is what I have done:

    1) I let the power supply remain plugged in without load for 4-5 hours.
    2) I put the camera through its paces, taking 100's of images and occasionally rotating the filter wheel.
    3) I had the camera cooled to -20C (40% power) for over an hour. No warning lights ever showed on the camera.
    4) Removed drivers and driver checker and reinstalled as requested. Results in previous post.

    Let me know the next steps.


  7. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Ok, next steps, it has to be shipped in to @Bill for repair.
    Probably best to contact him by email: bill (at) sbig (dot) com
    and he can provide instructions on sending it in.

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