Hello, I have been running my STT at -20 rather than -30 because was suggested it mattered little and that it drew less current and system might last longer. I have had problems getting a reliable power supply. My power has been reliable now for several months possible due to working of the connection and now have a new scope attached to do some more RGB from a light polluted site (my roof). So we are trying to minimize noise in the system. I short a bunch on new -30 darks last night and saw the cooler ran at 50-55% power. When it runs at -20 I see around 25% power. Am I OK running at -30? We are analyzing the darks, but is there going to be an advantage? Cheers
As you get colder you get incrementally lower dark current - it's diminishing returns. No problem running at 80% power or more, but it's a good idea to leave a reserve so you can maintain the same regulation on warm nights.
Thanks Doug. The Darks and the Bias I ran last night were all over exposed. i must have screwed up the maxim settings. Been a long time since I ran these. Is there a standard for settings somewhere?
Overexposed? Make sure the drivers and firmware are both updated. That might be a version mismatch causing problems with RBI Preflash.
I see in the Maxim release notes: SBIG: Added RBI Preflash support for STT series cameras (requires both SBIG Universal Driver and firmware update). Improved threading support for SBIG cameras. Fixed a camera status problem related to camera swapping. Made internal and external shutter operations independent. I see sttga.bf2 is 2.58 and current is 2.64. And 4.96 Build 3 is not current.... I hate to update things. This camera is basically working.... tell me everything will be OK... has there been any problem with ACP? I tried to update the driver and says cannot because file in use....