Precise Parts adapter exercise

Discussion in 'Aluma AC Series CMOS' started by Rex Groves, May 12, 2022.

  1. Rex Groves

    Rex Groves Cyanogen Customer

    Nov 28, 2014
    Every time I purchase a new camera system, this exercise gives me the most stress. Have I calculated the correct adapter size for a good flat field. I purchased the AC4040 Pro package. I'm putting the system on my 20" Planewave cdk. Do I have this correct? I used the excel BF calculator off the DL site.

    Camera Model Aluma AC4040 0.855" 21.7mm
    Filter Wheel adds AFW Series 0.550". 14.0m
    Filter subtracts 2 mm thick filter -0.026" -0.7mm
    Guider adds StarChaser SC-3 0.870" 22.1mm
    Adaptive Optics adds AO-X 1.049" 26.6mm
    Accessory Plate Do I need one?

    Total Backfocus 3.298" 83.8mm

    I'm also uncertain what's on the other end of the PP adapter. I'm connecting directly to the rotating focuser IRF90 on the telescope side. What am I connecting to on the camera side? The AOX?, FW?

    Rex Groves
  2. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Planewave has a flat adapter that replaces the STX 10018 adapter plate we ship. It's thinner than using the 10018 with their adapter to 3" 24tpi. You might want to contact them for advice - Matt Dietrich has figured this out a few times.

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