I have successfuly operated two SBIG cameras, an STF-8300C and an STT-8300M, under Windows 7 using several camera control packages including CCDOps, TheSkyX Pro, CCDSoft, and Nebulosity. This week I purchased a new solid state hard drive and installed a clean copy of Windows 10. I also downloaded and installed the current versions of the camera control software packages and of SBIGDriverChecker64, which I have run as an administrator, having previously disabled the Windows 10 feature that blocks unsigned drivers. Notwithstanding these precautions, having run SBIGDriverChecker64 in Windows 7 compatibility mode as an administrator, none of the camera control software can see either camera at any of the UBS ports that appear in the Windows Device Manager or in the dropdown list of available ports in the camera control packages. I am concerned that the likely explanation is fundamental incompatibility between the SBIG drivers and Windows 10, in which case I am dead in the water--as, likely, are others who are trying to operate under Windows 10. Is Diffraction Limited aware of this problem? Are you in contact with Microsoft for purposes of finding a resolution? Is there anything I can do to restore my cameras to operating status? Until I get some help from you or Microsoft (who will only tell me it is your problem), they have become nothing more than very expensive boat anchors.
The SBIG drivers are signed, normal installation is all that is required. Both the drivers and MaxIm DL are compatible with Windows 10. We have received occasional reports of problems but so far none have borne out. In fact the programmer who handles driver support runs a Windows 10 system.
Your response is interesting but not very helpful for solving the problem. What do you recommend that I do to get the computer to see the cameras? Presumably you are not telling me that the cameras will now work only under Maxim DL. They worked before with other vendor's software and should so work now.
We support Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 for all products. You can run SBIG cameras using any software product that supports the SBIG Universal drivers. Your problem is apparently due to something else; probably some kind of driver installation issue. One of our regular support techs will look into your problem shortly.
Hi Jay. Would you be willing to demo the issue over a remote-support client? It's possible there's an issue with Windows 10 not correctly renumerating your cameras, and a manual install of the drivers would fix the problem. At the very least, you should see an "Unidentified Device" in your device manager. If you can't see that, then there's an issue with your USB drivers, and that's a bigger problem since Windows 10 is still playing catch up with device drivers. Cheers, -Adam