Recommendations for New Computers

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Mike Hambrick, Jun 30, 2023.

  1. Mike Hambrick

    Mike Hambrick Cyanogen Customer

    Jul 13, 2016
    Orange, Texas
    My current laptop is almost 8 years old. Other than the battery, it is still doing OK, but I need to start thinking about replacing it. I have always found that Colin's IT related advice to be sound, and I would like to get your recommendations on what hardware and software features a new laptop should have.

    I have noticed that the new laptops that are currently on the market do not have many of the features that we need for astronomy. I have seen many laptops with only one or two USB ports, and many of them don't even have ethernet ports anymore.

    I will typically run at least one camera, but there have been many occasions where I have run two simultaneously (Always using MaxIm DL-Pro). All of my cameras (STXL16200, ST2000, STi) connect to the computer via USB cables. I normally connect the mount to my laptop (APCC) using the ethernet cable, but I can also use a USB cable if needed. I prefer not to use wireless for making any of these connections.

    I also have a motorized focuser (Focuser Boss) that connects to the laptop via USB.

    If I also include the mouse, I need at least four USB ports, and an ethernet port on a laptop. to run all of this equipment. Are the various laptop manufacturers pretty flexible in building systems to suit customer needs ? If not, how does one go about getting a computer with all of these hardware requirements ?

    Any comments and recommendations will be appreciated.

  2. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    @Colin Haig is on vacation. He'll be back Tuesday.

    Personally I use a Primaluce Eagle 4 Pro. Not a laptop but a dedicated control computer that rides on the OTA. Really excellent product.
  3. Mike Hambrick

    Mike Hambrick Cyanogen Customer

    Jul 13, 2016
    Orange, Texas
    Thanks Doug.

    For the time being I have to do all of my mount & camera control, guiding, imaging, and image processing on my personal laptop, but I will look into the Primaluse as a possible future investment.


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