Hello. I currently own AC4040 camera, and I need software development kit for our system. Would you send the SDK? And the linux driver we already have doesn't work. Please send the linux driver and the mac driver. e-mail address : g.jeong@antbridge.kr Here is my order number with AC4040. Order #14543
Thank you for contacting us. My colleague @Adam Robichaud will be in touch. Which Linux operating system and architecture are you using?
I am using ubuntu 18.04 LTS for programming applications. I still wait for SDK and the Linux driver. Would you check your team process?
I have a problem with connecting to camera AC 4040. On Windows 10, the USB connection and the camera work well except for some USB3 ports not working. But on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, though the usb port was detected as "Santa barbara instrunment group", the main code in sample directory could not find a camera with error code, "Failed to retrieve any USB cameras". I have checked 'pGateway' instance, Gateway pointer, and making instance have no problem. After then, function 'getUSBcameraCount' return to 0. Could you give me a hand?
Hello Adam, is it possible to get the SDK for the following as indicated in the API page? Raspbian Buster armhf Ubuntu MATE arm64 Thanks!
At this point we're not able to offer on Linux platforms. We were hoping to update them with this release, but some platform-specific problems popped up and we didn't resolve them in time. It's coming up in my development queue for our next sprint, but I don't have an estimate of when we'll have it available.