CanonEOS RebelT7i 'modified UV-IR @ Hutech' TeleVue .8XReducer/Flattener for 950mmF/L for 6min , 7min , and 8min exposures at ISO6400 , ISO3200 , and ISO1600 ... the same artifact to the left that looks like a nebula must be a glass reflection artifact like in Mizae's image of 44secISO6400 ... I was using a Baader UV-IR 2in. filter thru an Orion Polarizing 2in. filter tune down to 90% full light to prevent stray scatter light . Next time I will center a bright star at this focal-lenght and try 1minISO6400 and then rotate the StarlightInstruments Focuser and try another shot and then do that again and see if the artifact is moving around the star .x { This image shows that at this 950mmFL ... the 'blue' color can be brought out which I made it more evident in "ImagesPlus" ... but the nebula to the left is the same as in a Mizar image ... so it's a glass reflection artifact .} x