CanonEOSII RebelT7i'modified UV-IR @ Hutech' thru a 'Canon 75-300mmLens (refurbished $75.00) set at 185mm' for 12-TIFFS at 2minISO6400and3200and1600 and 12-TIFFs at 1minISO1600and3200and6400 and a CanonRecipe applied and then Sum stacked in MaximDL Pro V6.16 and then the 16BIT FITS put into "ImagesPlus" to get it to the way it looks .I cropped off the left side of the processed image because it didn't show anything but stars .x Eventually I'l try a Baader UV-IR 2in. filter and the OrionPolarizer 2in. on the RhoOph Complex to see if it's easier to reveal the Complex... an original single image is included and it's pale peach looking .x