Here is a recent mosaic image I completed of two panels of the Rosette Nebula. Taken with an AC4040 with AOX and a Planewave CDK20. This is 17 hrs of data captured in High mode. Other details on my Astrobin page. Nebula is getting low in the Phoenix sky, so I plan to complete the mosaic next season. Greg
Greg, totally am impressed. The second one seems richer with the purple tone instead of more cyan, but I can't make up my mind which one I like better. Would you mind if we posted on Social and gave credit?
Colin, thanks and no problem posting. The second one on Astrobin was made with "Frank Breslawski's "crazy formula" which does variable color mapping using Pixelmath of narrowband data to try to get truer color stars. I played with it to see the difference in that and my standard method. The image I uploaded here was my standard processing which has a Hue shift from teal to blue for the OIII. Anyway, its bee a journey learning this AC4040 chip, but I'm finally running down the last issues in getting good calibrations in High mode acquisition. I plan to retry HighStack Pro soon to see if these methods clear up the FPN I was experiencing 6-7months ago.
Greg, that is awesome work. I'd be super interested to hear what you've learned about working with the AC4040.