Resolved SBIG 64 Bit Driver Checker Utility Can't Update

Discussion in 'STX and STXL Series Cameras' started by Teal Atkinson, Apr 27, 2022.

  1. Teal Atkinson

    Teal Atkinson Cyanogen Customer

    Apr 4, 2017
    This issue is part of a larger issue, where in MaximDL, I can connect to the STX 16803 camera unless a filter wheel is specified. If the filter wheel is specified I get a "Error opening filter wheel error".

    After looking through this forum and others the advice usually seems to be to update after checking to make sure all the settings are correct. There were a number of posts from representatives with screenshots showing that I seem to have the right settings for this camera and filter wheel. Regardless of whether both the filter wheel and camera work in The Sky, or CCDOps, for instance, or whether they have worked before in Maxim DL, the next recommended step seems to be to update. When I try to update the SBIG drivers I get: "Error copying file "C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\sbigu64.sys" the process cannot access the file because it is use by another process". No other software is running.

    I cannot currently update Maxim DL because my license has expired.

    Here is the current configuration:

    SBIG Drivers

    Driver Name Version Date
    sbigudrv.dll 01-26-22
    sbigu64.sys 01-27-15
    sbigpcam.hex 2.46 12-22-20
    sbiglcam.hex 2.20 12-22-20
    sbigfcam.hex 2.25 12-22-20
    sbigfga.bin 2004.11.10 12-22-20

    Maxim DL 6.16 (Subscription lapsed)
    STX-1603 Camera
    STX FW7 Filter Wheel

    I will look into whether my institution will pay to update Maxim DL license as well but that is not guaranteed.

    Any help would be appreciated.



    Attached Files:

  2. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    The usual reason for "the process cannot access the file because it is use by another process" is because the Windows Operating System has loaded the camera's device driver.
    Simple fix: Power off the camera and try again.
    Literally, the driver file is in use, because Windows is seeing the camera attached.

    If it is remote and you cannot power it off, the other trick is to disable the device in windows Device Manager; update the driver with SBIG Driver Checker; then re-enable the device.
    1. Launch windows Device Manager
    2. Find the SBIG Camera - it might say SBIG USB Camera with Firmware or something like that.
    3. Right Click on it, and Disable the device.
    4. Run SBIG Driver Checker. Update the drivers. You will then see:
    5. click Done to exit.
    6. Go back into Device Manager.
    7.Right click on the disabled camera, and Enable the device.
    8. That should do it, and the driver should load at that time.

    Let us know if you still have trouble.
  3. Teal Atkinson

    Teal Atkinson Cyanogen Customer

    Apr 4, 2017

    That was very helpful. The telescope is pseudo-remote so the advice with the device manager was helpful. SBIG drivers are updated to your attached image exactly. Same error with Maxim DL though. Should I create separate thread for that? From my searching it looks like it could be an issue with Maxim DL 6.16.
  4. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    That is not a MaxIm DL error.

    A simple solution might work - reboot the computer. Also make sure no other programs are running when you start MaxIm DL.
  5. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Ok, glad to hear that update worked.
    What's the error in MaxIm? There may be a bug in v6.16 related to filter wheel handling, and it has been corrected. I would encourage you to upgrade to the latest.

    The correct settings would be like this:

    If you have an STX-Guider or have an old STX with internal guide chip, turn on [x] Dual Chip Mode.
    If you have an AO-X, you will need to select SBIG w/AO, and SBIG FW w/AO.

    If this does not work, let me know, and we'll go from there.
  6. Teal Atkinson

    Teal Atkinson Cyanogen Customer

    Apr 4, 2017
    Hi Colin,

    Thank you. In the interim my institution ponied up for a license. Maxim DL 6.29 is able to connect to camera and filter wheel now!
  7. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Glad to here it is working now. Let us know if you need anything further.

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