I was doing a TPoint Automated Pointing Calibration Run when I would occasionally get this 30017 error. On many images there would not be an error, but the image clearly had problems. I switched to MaxIm DL to see if the problem would still exist. It did, but no error messages. The images are not all with problems. About half are normal, the rest have at least one of three problems. First, the image is faint. This is usually accompanied by a brighter area on the left of the field. Sometimes brighter stars will have a long tails. At first I thought these tails where the result of the scope moving while taking the image. But after close examination, I concluded the scope was not moving. The camera is an SBIG STT-1603M. Here are screen shots: normal image, light on left and faint image, and streamer under the star. Is this really a shutter problem or is there a problem with the driver? Whit
I should have done this a long time ago, but better late than never. To complete the thread, the camera was sent in for repair. Turned out to be only a bearing that had to be replaced. Not expensive and quick to fix and return.