Hello, i am the owner of an old model of st2000xm, serial n. 20302345xm After 4 years of inactivity, it took the camera and connected to the computer. It seemed all right, but the main sensor is faulty: they appear black and white vertical stripe, as in a diffraction pattern. How can I do to fix it? There are service centers in Europe, or do I send all over the united states? How much would it cost? Thank you Emanuele
If you contact Bill Lynch he should be able to help: SBIG Service & Repair Center - Santa Barbara Bill Lynch - bill@sbig.com Phone: (805) 308-6979
After an upgrade from a Windows Vista 32 bit laptop to a Windows 10 64 bit laptop last fall, I have a similar problem with an ST2000XM (serialnr. 20208155XM) when using the latest 64 bit drivers in Windows 10. Stripes parallel to the smallest side show up in exposures 0f 0.120 seconds or longer. However, images of 0.119 seconds or shorter look fine. The camera worked fine upto the change of laptop. I also have used the camera the last few months with a Linux computer using the kstars/ekos/indi software without any problem. Do you have an idea of what the problem could be? Thanks, Camiel Severijns